Читать книгу An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the Bible - Catharine Esther Beecher - Страница 36

The Transmission Mode against the Imputation Mode.


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“The common doctrine has been, that Adam's posterity, unless saved by Christ, are damned on account of Adam's sin, and that this is just, because his sin is imputed or transferred to them. By imputation his sin becomes their sin.

“When the justice of such a transfer is demanded, it is said that the constitution which God has established makes the transfer just.

“To this it may be replied, that the same way it may be proved just to damn a man without any sin at all, either personal or imputed. We need only to resolve it into a sovereign constitution of God.”

The Andover and New Haven theologians regard both the Catholic and the Princeton modes as utterly unsatisfactory, and offer instead the mode of constitutional transmission as relieving the difficulties.

But Dr. Woods thus argues the case against them, and appeals powerfully to “intelligent and candid men:”

An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the Bible

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