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Chapter XII. The Nature of Mind, or Its Powers and Faculties.


Table of Contents

We have seen, in the preceding chapters, that our only mode of gaining a knowledge of the natural attributes of God, is by the study of the nature of mind. We have seen also that the only way to discover the nature of mind is to examine what are its qualities, and how it acts and is acted upon in our own experience.

When we discover what our minds actually do, we find out what they have power to do. The faculties of mind are its powers of acting as they are exhibited in our own experience.

The following presents a brief outline of the powers and faculties of mind as they have been classified and named by the people.

Ideas is the word most frequently used to include all the operations and states of mind.

Our ideas are often referred to as divided into two classes, viz., ideas gained by the senses, and ideas that pass through the mind without the aid of the senses.

An Appeal to the People in Behalf of Their Rights as Authorized Interpreters of the Bible

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