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"He that is slow to anger, is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his own spirit, than he that taketh a city."—Proverbs, xiv. 32.

The leading features of the following Tale, are founded on facts which occurred some years ago in France; and which appeared to me so striking, that I have ventured to enlarge upon the circumstances, in some measure, and now offer them in their present form to my young readers, in the hope that they may serve as a warning to such as are in the habit of indulging in the dangerous and sinful passions of anger and hatred, which are alike destructive in their effects, both to themselves and their fellow-creatures.

Anger is the first step towards murder: it was through an indulgence in it, that the first blood was shed upon the earth. We read, in the fourth chapter of Genesis, that "Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up and slew his brother."

Who knows, when he gives way to anger, where its effects will stop? For this cause it is written, "Be ye slow to speak, slow to wrath." And St. Paul commands us, saying, "Let not the sun go down upon your wroth." Our Saviour also has declared, that "if we forgive not, from our hearts, every one his trespasses, neither will our heavenly Father forgive us our trespasses."

Therefore, let me entreat you, my young friends, not to let angry passions have place in your hearts; but let them be the seat of peace, and love, and good-will towards your fellow-creatures. So shall you find favour both with God and man.


The Step-Brothers. A Tale

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