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Credit Management


Credit Reports

The credit reports that a lender obtains from the three major credit-reporting agencies (see Resources, p. 219, for contact information) are used to determine whether or not you qualify for a loan. For example, an insurance company may access your credit information in order to determine which risk category you fall into, and this, in turn, may affect the premiums you pay.

The credit reports detail how much you have borrowed and how much you owe. They also reveal bad credit, such as missed and late payments, repossessions, and delinquent accounts. This information remains in your history for seven years. (Bankruptcy can remain on your credit report for ten years.) Your credit history determines your credit rating or “score”—a credit score of 600 points is average, 700 is good, and 800 is excellent. Every time a credit-reporting agency receives an inquiry from a lender—this happens when you apply for a credit card or loan—your credit score can be negatively affected because each time your report is accessed, points are deducted.

It is of the utmost importance to your long-term financial health to maintain a good credit report. If your credit history is less than stellar, start today and make sure all your payments are on time and in accordance with the creditor’s agreement. At least once a year, you should obtain copies of your credit reports from the major credit-reporting agencies to check for inaccuracy and guard against identity theft.

Keep Track of Accounts

Be diligent in your record-keeping and reconcile bank statements regularly. Most banks have telephone or online banking access so you can make sure your debt payments have cleared your bank in the correct amount and in a timely fashion. Creditors, and even financial institutions, can (and do) make mistakes. Suppose, for example, your monthly minimum payment for your credit card is $50, and you write a check for $100—but the lender erroneously records only $10 on the deposit slip. The check then clears for an insufficient amount, and you are delinquent in the eyes of the creditor (even though the check you wrote more than covered the bill). A quick call to the lender will save you late charges tacked on to your account, not to mention a big hassle if the delinquency is reported to the credit agencies.

Fraud is another motive to check accounts and statements. If someone has accessed your checking account number and printed checks, or stolen your ATM card and access identification numbers, “red flags”—such as unidentifiable purchases or withdrawals in states you haven’t visited—will show up on your bank statement. Also look over your credit card statements to be certain all charges are correct.

Beware Automatic Default Language

Many credit card companies have changed their “terms of agreement” to include a clause that states if you are late with a payment on a different account with them, or another credit card provider, or any other creditor, you are automatically deemed in default and your interest rate jumps to 19.99 percent—or higher. This means that if you are even one day late paying a telephone bill and it is transmitted to the credit-reporting agencies, you are in default on all your credit cards. You usually receive these change-of-terms notices with your monthly statement.

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