Читать книгу City Cinderella - Catherine George - Страница 2
“You made it clear this morning that you don’t want me. Which makes no difference. I still want you.”
ОглавлениеShe realized too late that she had nowhere to go. Lucas had backed her up against the bed, the edge of which fitted nicely behind her knees. If he moved only a fraction, she would fall. She shivered as she pictured all too vividly what might come next.
“Just a kiss, Emily,” he whispered. “As thanks for the flowers, or good-night, or whatever reason suits you best—”
At the first touch of his lips on hers, Emily’s legs buckled. She sat abruptly on the bed, and Lucas fell to his knees beside her, hauling her against his chest to kiss her with such force and hunger she yielded to him, powerless to control her response.
“You see what you reduce me to?” he demanded roughly, raising his head a fraction. “Does it give you a kick to see me on my knees?”