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Fly, little birds, to the tall tree.

Fly to your nest and little birds three.


Fly, little birds.

Fly to your nest.

Fly to the tall tree, little birds.

Fly to your little birds.

Fly to your three little birds.

Your little birds fly.

Your little birds fly to the tall tree.

Your little birds fly to the nest.

Little birds, fly to your nest.

Fly to the tall tree.

Fly to your three little birds.

Fly to your nest and three little birds.

Fly, little birds,

To the place you love best,

To the tall tree

And your dear little nest.

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dearb est

Fly, little birds.

Fly to the tall tree.

Fly to the place you love best.

Fly to your dear little nest.

You love the tall tree, little birds.

You love your dear little nest.

You love your three little birds best.

Your little birds fly to the tall tree.

Your little birds fly to the nest.

Your little birds love the tall tree.

Your little birds love the nest.

Your dear little birds love you best.

The birds are flying.

They are flying to the tall tree.

They are flying to the place they love.

Where are they flying?

They are flying to the dear little nest.

They are flying to three little birds.

They are flying to the birds in the nest.

They love the tree and the nest.

They love the little birds best.

Fly, little birds.

Fly to the tall tree.

Fly to the place you love best.

Fly to your dear little nest.

Your nest is in the tall tree.

Your little birds are in the nest.

Fly to your nest.

Fly to your dear little birds.

Your little birds love the tree.

Your little birds love the nest.

They love the nest in the tall tree.

They love you best.

You love your nest.

You love your little birds best.

Robin, Robin Redbreast,

Singing on the bough,

Come and get your breakfast,

I will feed you now.

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getRed breastbreak fastfeed

Where are you, Robin Redbreast?

Come, Robin, come and get your breakfast.

I will feed you, Robin.

I will feed you now.

I see you, Robin, in the tree.

You are flying to the tall bough.

You are singing to your little birds.

They are in the nest in the tall tree.

The nest is on the bough.

You love your nest in the tall tree.

Fly to your dear little nest.

Robin Redbreast is singing on the bough.

Where is Robin’s nest?

It is in the tall tree.

Robin’s nest is on the bough.

He is singing to the little birds.

The little birds are in the nest.

Robin wants breakfast.

He wants breakfast for the little birds.

Good Robin Redbreast!


Come, Robin Redbreast, come to me.

I want to feed you.

Come, here is your breakfast.

Now you can feed your little birds.

I want to feed the little birds, too.

There is a nest in the old oak tree,

Safe and high,

Safe and high.

There are three tiny eggs blue as blue can be,

Like the sky,

Like the sky.

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tinysk y(c old)high

A nest is in the old oak tree.

It is a Robin’s nest.

The nest is safe on a high bough.

Three tiny eggs are in the nest.

The eggs are as blue as blue can be.

They are like the sky.

There are three baby birds in the tiny nest,

Up so high,

Up so high,

And the wind rocks the bough where they safely rest,



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safe lyr ests oRock-a-bye
bird iesbuttree-top

Robin made a nest in the oak tree.

There it is high up on the bough.

Three tiny eggs are in the nest.

They are as blue as blue can be.

They are as blue as the sky.

Soon there will be three baby birds in the tiny nest.

The wind will rock the bough.

But the birds will be safe in the nest.

And they will like the wind to rock the bough.

The old birds will sing.

They will sing to the little birds.

They will sing,“Rock-a-bye, rock-a-bye.

Rock-a-bye, birdies, on the tree-top.”

A First Reader

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