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Roberto de Sousa sat opposite, smouldering in silence again across the table.

‘The value is unimportant. The painting is not for resale. My interest is the identity of the artist.’ He was silent again, as though turning something over in his mind. ‘If you would consent to stay to examine it,’ he said at last, ‘I would be most grateful—Doctor.’

Her first instinct was a flat refusal. But, conscious that she represented the Massey Gallery, and also deeply curious about the painting and its owner, Katherine changed her mind about a quick getaway. For pride’s sake she paused, as though considering her answer, and finally nodded graciously. ‘Since you’ve paid so generously for my time, I have no choice.’

Obrigado, Dr Lister. You shall see the painting in the morning.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘But now you must be tired after your journey. Please rest before joining me for dinner.’

So she was to have the honour of dining at his table. ‘Thank you, Mr de Sousa.’

‘De nada.’

He escorted her across the hall. ‘Ate logo—until later, Doctor.’

Under the Brazilian Sun

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