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THE drive to Jeanie’s was taken in silence. Fiona could no longer trust herself to speak. She knew her voice would betray the turmoil that swirled increasingly inside her.

A gentle bell tinkled as they opened the door of the intimate little bistro. It was simply designed, furnished with bentwood furniture and decorated with cooking vessels which adorned the tartan-covered walls. The warmth of the open fire heated Fiona’s cheeks, brightening her face a little as Grant gallantly drew back her chair. She nodded her thanks and slid into her chair, picking up the hand-written menu that was on the table and burying her head in it. Jeanie’s was a small, intimate restaurant specialising in ‘a taste of Scotland’, and the menu was full of excellent local produce. There was always an abundance of fresh seafood and this was reflected in the many fish courses available, but tonight, Fiona decided, she needed fortifying, and there was a comfort in traditional haggis.

‘I hope you’re hungry?’ Grant said, a trace of something in his voice. ‘You certainly look as if you need a good meal.’ His appraising gaze raked over her body. Fiona felt herself flinch inwardly at his criticism.

‘It’s quite fashionable to be slim; most women are. Men seem to find it more attractive,’ Fiona parried, as an image of Mari’s slender form flitted through her mind.

‘I don’t. I liked you the way you were,’ Grant countered crisply.

‘Yes, well. I really can’t imagine why,’ Fiona retorted, her expression making him aware that she meant more. He studied her for a moment, his jaw clenched, but he remained silent. Fiona lowered her eyes back to the menu; she was hungry and tonight she was going to eat; the enticing aromas from the kitchen confirmed that.

‘Have you decided?’ Grant asked, and Fiona was forced to lower the defensive wall of her menu and confront his cool blue eyes.

‘Yes,’ she answered, lowering her eyes back on to the menu.


‘I’ll have the venison pâté, then the Scotch beef with haggis and maybe, to finish…’ She paused; desserts were always her favourite and it was a difficult decision to make. Perhaps she’d leave it till after the main course.

‘Raspberries,’ he suggested, with an amused grin suddenly crossing his face. Fiona caught his smile as she darted him a quick look, and understood exactly what he was referring to. There was a full, teasing, sexual smile on his face now.

‘They were wild raspberries,’ she snapped back, wanting to take the smile from his face, to erase the memory of those early days.

‘I’m surprised you remembered,’ he hit back swiftly, but Fiona was already drifting back to that autumn day…

They had been walking all morning over the hills, catching glimpses of red deer and watching the acrobatic skills of the buzzards. They had taken off their boots and thick woollen socks and had paddled and splashed in the icy waters of a stream. Then they had taken the old raiders’ path back through the forest, enjoying the quiet stillness of the late afternoon; the sun was still bright and, by chance, they discovered raspberries. Like eager children they had picked at the soft warm fruit, staining their fingers deep red as they ate their fill. Fiona sighed as she recalled standing openmouthed like a tiny bird while Grant popped the berries on her tongue, and she remembered how she had licked his fingers clean as he traced them around her lips. That had been their first intimate moment; that gesture suggested so much more and awoke in them both the realisation that they were deeply attracted to each other. Though they had constantly been in each other’s company, up till then Grant had just been a friend, someone who wanted to see the Lowlands through the eyes of a local, and Fiona had willingly spent all her free time with him. Fiona remembered how magical it had all seemed. The forest had suddenly grown completely silent and Fiona had felt that, if she had spoken, her voice would have broken the magical spell forever. Instead she had planted the gentlest of kisses on Grant’s fingertips, lovingly savouring the firm touch of his strong, slender fingers on her pliant lips. The world stopped as they had both stood transfixed. Fiona had known he was waiting for an invitation. She’d seen the look in his eyes and it had excited and frightened her at the same time. No man had ever looked at her with such longing, and the sense of power it gave her was overwhelming. Their eyes had met in the silent acknowledgement of each other’s desire. Then Grant’s gaze had drifted to Fiona’s full lips, coloured vivid red by the fruit, and her lips parted to reveal her perfect white teeth in such a provocative way that he’d moaned softly. He’d drawn her gently into his arms, and she had trembled as he ignited a warm flow of blood through her veins. His hands had cupped her face and his thumbs traced across her cheeks, bringing a flush of colour to her pale features.

The first kiss had been innocent enough, gentle and soft. A simple exchange of love—both were giving without demands. But soon the sensual expertise that Grant possessed had made Fiona submit still further and, though willing, she had had a fleeting sense of something darker. She surrendered willingly, enjoying their growing desire. Their passions deepened as their kisses increased and, before long, they were both struggling against their heavy outdoor clothing to touch the bodies beneath. Fiona wanted to feel his skin, to taste and touch it. Her fingers traced the tight curls of blond hair that clung to his broad chest. She explored his body further with a slow fascination, loving the sense of his smooth, tanned skin beneath her hands. She toyed teasingly with the mat of hairs on his chest, twirling her fingers between them.

Mandate For Marriage

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