Читать книгу More Than a Cowboy - Cathy Mcdavid - Страница 3


“You don’t have to help me clear my name if you don’t want to,” Deacon said.

“A bet’s a bet,” Liberty answered.

“And I’ll help you, too. With Mercer and your mother.”

“Seriously?” That cheered her.

“It’s my job to make my client happy if I can, and reconciling with your mom will make Mercer happy.”

“Thank you, thank you!” Without thinking, she laid her cheek on his chest and hugged him hard.

It was wonderful. Deacon, all rock-hard muscles and impressive height, made her feel soft and small and utterly feminine. He hugged her back, too, pressing his lips to the top of her head.

Friendly, chaste and as far as things should probably go. Liberty didn’t know much about attorney ethics. Kissing her surely violated one or two of them. Even if she wanted a kiss more than anything.

She should stop this hug now. For Deacon’s sake. But when she tried to pull away, he held her fast.

“Not yet,” he said, his voice suddenly husky as he dipped his head.

More Than a Cowboy

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