Читать книгу His Christmas Sweetheart - Cathy Mcdavid - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

Story ideas can come to me at the strangest times and from the most unusual sources. Often when I’m in the middle of a completely different book or series. I file these ideas away, hoping and waiting for the day when I get the chance to use them. That day can take years.

Such was the case with His Christmas Sweetheart, book two in my Sweetheart, Nevada series. For at least a decade I’ve wanted to write a heroine who owns and operates an elder care group home. Miranda Staley is the kind of individual I want to be—smart, caring, resourceful and with a huge personality to match her incredible smile. Her elder care home is full of quirky senior citizens who liven up the place while bringing a touch of humor and tenderness to the story. Vivacious Miranda is the perfect match for loner Will Dessaro, a man suffering from acute post-traumatic stress disorder. She’s faced with a difficult challenge, that of convincing him they’re deserving of their own happily ever after. I can’t blame him for doubting—their relationship does seem improbable.

I had a really fun time pushing and prodding these two stubborn individuals and getting them to discover that no obstacle is impossible to overcome when it comes to love. Be sure to look for book three, Most Eligible Sheriff, coming out this spring.

Warmest wishes,

Cathy McDavid

P.S. I love hearing from readers. Visit my website at www.cathymcdavid.com and drop me a line.

His Christmas Sweetheart

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