Читать книгу The Texas Rancher's Marriage - Cathy Thacker Gillen - Страница 4


“It doesn’t have to be a real marriage.”

Chase was determined to have his way on this whether she liked it or not. “At least not in the conventional sense.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” Merri looked at him, a mix of exasperation and cynicism in her glacier-green eyes.

He regarded her seriously, aware he had a responsibility here. “Its only purpose will be to help us meet the objective.”

Merri exhaled. “You becoming a father to your children.”

Chase watched as she crossed her legs and clasped her delicate hands around her knee. When had she gotten so all-out beautiful? “While keeping you as the mother they know and love.”

“People will talk.”

“You’re worried our relationship wouldn’t stay platonic.”

Merri stared at him, knowing a guy as healthy and virile and sexy as Chase had to have needs, too. She kept her eyes locked with his, even as her heart raced like a wild thing in her chest. “Aren’t you?”

The Texas Rancher's Marriage

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