Читать книгу Snowbound With His Innocent Temptation - Кэтти Уильямс, Cathy Williams - Страница 3


Short of throwing Theo to his fate in the driving snow outside, Becky had no choice but to put him up—and from the looks of the weather he was going to be around for at least another night.

Just the two of them under the one roof.

Becky’s mind broke its leash and raced off in all sorts of crazy directions.

He was awful, with his generalizations and his sneering, patronizing assertions, and that typical rich man’s belief that money was the only thing that mattered...that he could just buy things and buy people...

In short, he was just the sort of guy she had no time for.

But he was so outrageously beautiful. And that was what gripped her imagination and held it. That was what shot through her head with the treacherous accuracy of a heat-guided missile, cutting a swathe through all logic and common sense...

This gloriously, sinfully beautiful man was going to be under her roof, and her whole body tingled at the thought of that.

Which was worse than crazy.

Snowbound With His Innocent Temptation

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