Читать книгу Her Impossible Boss - Кэтти Уильямс, Cathy Williams - Страница 2


And so here she was. Barely in New York for five seconds and fixed up with a job for just the sort of pinstripe-suited money-man that she had always hated.

The penthouse apartment had its own private lift, and she was discharged into a massive carpeted landing. Disorientated, she wondered whether she was actually in the apartment. And, if so, where was the dreaded Matt Strickland?

‘Miss Kelly, I take it?’

The sound of his voice shocked her into spinning round, red-faced and feeling as guilty as if he had caught her stealing the family silver.

For a few timeless seconds Tess stared. Every cosy image she had had of Matt Strickland was shattered in an instant. This was six foot two inches of hard-packed alpha male. Suffocatingly masculine.

Her Impossible Boss

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