Читать книгу To Sin with the Tycoon - Кэтти Уильямс, Cathy Williams - Страница 2


‘Have you ever experienced that before, Alice?’

‘Experienced what?’ she asked in a hoarse whisper.

Gabriel laughed under his breath. ‘The grip of passion that makes you behave irrationally …’

‘I prefer to trust reasoning and logic,’ she managed to say.

‘So that's a no …’

‘If you recall …’ She was close to snapping, because not only was he making her feel uncomfortable but he was enjoying himself. ‘I did say to you when I took this job that I didn't want to talk about my private life!’

‘Was that what we were doing? Talking about your private life?’

He stood up, flexed his muscles, debated whether to let this conversation go and just as quickly decided not to.

Why deny it? She roused his curiosity. She was so contained, so secretive whilst giving the impression of being straightforward, so unwilling to share even the smallest of confidences … When you could have anything you wanted—including access to people's thoughts and emotions—what would you pay to have a person who withheld everything?

To Sin with the Tycoon

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