Читать книгу A Cowboy's Christmas Proposal - Cathy McDavid, Cathy Mcdavid - Страница 14



OWEN HELPED CODY and Marisa onto the first pew in the chapel. He sat Willa on the floor rather than take the chance of her falling.

As it turned out, he needn’t have worried for her safety. The toddler immediately collapsed onto the carpet, stuck her thumb in her mouth, pillowed her head with her other arm and stared into space. Before long, she would nod off.

Owen let her be. Neither he nor his kids had slept soundly their first night at the ranch. True to her word, Marisa objected to sharing the sofa bed with her brother and had a meltdown. Even after she gave up and accepted the inevitable, she, Cody and Willa had insisted on multiple trips to the bathroom and drinks of water and whined endlessly because they missed their mother and Oreo.

No amount of coaxing, cajoling or consoling on Owen’s part had made a difference. Eventually, Willa and Marisa had cried themselves to sleep while Cody remained stubbornly awake. At a loss, Owen had finally allowed his son to crawl into the king-size bed with him where they’d both succumbed to exhaustion.

Everyone had awoken this morning tired and cranky. Owen didn’t see their moods improving without a nap, which was why he let Willa sleep on the chapel floor.

“Is she okay there?” Molly asked from where she stood at the altar, her brow knitted.

“She’ll be fine.” Owen reached down and stroked his youngest’s cheek. She would be fine, right?

Another glaring example of his below average dad skills. His ex-wife had always been the one to get up with the kids at night or tend them when they were sick. And he’d let her, seldom volunteering to take her place. It was one of his many regrets. Regrets he had the chance to remedy thanks to Jeanne.

Straightening, he said to Cody and Marisa, “All right, you two, listen up. We’re playing a game.”

“Yay!” Marisa’s expression instantly brightened, and she bounced in her seat. “I wanna play a game.”

Cody crossed his arms, considerably less enthused. “You said you had to work.”

“I am working and we’re playing a game. You get to help me.” Owen removed a red paisley handkerchief from his jeans pocket and tied it around Cody’s neck. The boy immediately pulled the handkerchief up over his mouth like an Old West bandit. Owen then gave Marisa a rose from last evening’s wedding to hold. “We’re pretending you two are guests. I’m the minister who’s going to perform the service and Miss Molly is the bride.”

“Can I be a bride, too?” Marisa asked.

“Next time, if you behave.”

“Why does she have a mop?” Cody stared at Molly. He’d somehow deduced she was the one responsible for this girly game.

“The mop is the pretend groom,” Owen said.

Over breakfast in the kitchen, he’d attempted to explain the duties of his job at Sweetheart Ranch to his kids without much success. Cody and Marisa had been very young at their aunt’s wedding three years ago and didn’t remember.

He’d have preferred to leave them in Nora’s care for the practice. Unfortunately, she wasn’t available until later, which meant the kids were currently underfoot.

No, not underfoot. Owen reminded himself that he and his kids were at Sweetheart Ranch to bond and strengthen their relationship and for him to become a better dad. Referring to them in negative terms was counterproductive.

“This game is dumb.” Cody threw himself against the back of the pew.

“Would you rather be the groom and stand next to Miss Molly?”

“I’m not marrying her!” Cody pushed off the pew, prepared to make a run for it.

“Stay put, young man.”

He flopped down hard enough to shake the pew.

Owen gritted his teeth, embarrassed at his oldest’s rude outburst but refusing to make the situation worse by yelling.

“I don’t know, son.” He forced himself to speak slowly. “Might not be as bad as you think, standing next to a pretty lady.”

He glanced over at Molly and found her looking at him. The moment lingered, and then her mouth curved into a small smile.

She pulled the mop closer in a mock hug and said, “Sorry. I’m already taken.”

How about that? She possessed a sense of humor after all.

Owen was suddenly glad to be practicing and not because he needed to smooth out a few of his rough edges. Getting to know Molly better was proving enjoyable.

“We don’t have much time,” she reminded him. “We should get started.”

With Willa sleeping peacefully, Owen leveled a finger at Cody and Marisa. “Be good,” he warned and took his position at the altar. Facing Molly and her makeshift groom, he asked, “What ceremony did the couple request?”

“The Art of Marriage, and they’re going to recite their own vows, which makes things a little easier for you.” She handed him a sheet of paper on which was printed the ceremony. “This is a second wedding for both the bride and groom. Only their teenage children, parents and a few close friends are attending. They requested the ceremony have an intimate, casual feel. For you, that means infusing lots of warmth into your voice.”

“Can do.”

At her nod, Owen began with the same welcome speech from the previous night, including the joke about the open house.

Molly stopped him there. “Why don’t we leave out the part about the open house? These people weren’t here yesterday and don’t care.”

She was right, about that and infusing warmth. “Life is a journey,” he continued.

“Wait. That’s too cliché.” Molly tapped a finger on her cheek. “Let’s try, the journey of life is made better when traveled together. Wayne and Tasha have chosen each other to share their journey.”

“You make me wish I’d brought a pen,” Owen teased.

Always prepared, Molly promptly extracted a pen from her shirt pocket and handed it to him. Owen scribbled the changes in the margin.

“You know,” she said when he was nearly done. “I’m not the only person in the room. There’s the groom and the guests. Look at them, too.”

Busted. He had been concentrating on her. Hard to ignore those amazing green eyes which were focused directly on him.

Clearing his throat, he glanced over at his kids. By some miracle, Cody and Marisa weren’t fighting. Instead, they watched him with an intensity akin to wonderment. That hadn’t happened since he’d taken them to the office one Saturday when he couldn’t get out of work and their mother had plans. He’d fully anticipated a trying morning filled with reminding the kids to lower their voices and stay out of trouble. Instead, they’d wound up having enormous fun.

Picking up where he’d left off, he pushed through to the end of the ceremony.

“Better,” Molly announced.

“Good.” He rolled the papers into a tube, assuming they were done. They weren’t.

“Let’s have another go from the top.”

By their third run through, Cody and Marisa had grown bored and started bickering.

“He touched my rose.”

“She kicked me.”

“It appears the guests are growing restless,” Owen said. “We can try again later.”

Molly checked her watch. “Can’t. Too much to do. The bride and groom’s family members are staying at the ranch through Tuesday. As of this morning, we have all five available cabins rented.”

“That’s great.”

“We’re taking the entire wedding party on a hayride after the ceremony to the Poco Dinero for a barbecue dinner and line dancing. Most of the family has never been to a ranch before and they want the full cowboy experience.”

“I can always practice by myself.”

“Record yourself with your phone and play it back,” she suggested. “Better yet, video yourself if you can.”

He could do that. He had before when called on to give a speech at work functions. “Okay, you two, let’s go.”

Cody and Marisa immediately bolted from the pew. Owen bent and lifted Willa into his arms. She woke up only briefly, falling back sleep the moment her head found his shoulder.

She was cute like this, thumb in her mouth, wispy curls framing her face. Shame on him for leaving her and going on the road so much. He could have enjoyed countless more moments like this one.

That, too, was going to change this month at the ranch. He’d make sure of it. Nothing mattered to him more than Cody, Marisa and Willa. Even finding a new job came second. At least until after Christmas when the kids went back with their mother.

“Do you have a lot of couples like Tasha and Wayne,” Owen asked, “requesting the full cowboy experience?”

“A few.” Molly fell into step beside him as they left the chapel. “They want their wedding to be unique, out of the ordinary. Especially if it’s a second wedding or vow renewal.”

“Makes sense.”

He’d do something entirely different if he ever married again. And at the moment, that was a big if. He was in no place to consider dating, much less a lifelong commitment.

“I suppose that’s why Grandma and Homer eloped,” Molly mused aloud. “Something out of the ordinary.”

“Imagine how many weddings Uncle Homer’s officiated. A tacky chapel in Reno probably appealed to him.”

“I wish you hadn’t said ‘tacky.’ Poor Grandma.”

“What do you bet she doesn’t care? When you’re in love, you see the beauty in everything.”

Molly sent him a skeptical look. “That’s a rather romantic sentiment for a guy.”

“I recently started marrying people for a living. Comes with the territory.”

They stopped in the foyer. Cody and Marisa immediately descended on the bowl of birdseed packets.

“Hey, hands off,” Owen scolded.

“Daddy, can we feed the birds?” Cody begged.

“Please,” Marisa added.

He supposed they deserved a small reward for behaving reasonably well during his practice session with Molly, but it was up to her. “Do you mind?”

She bent at the waist, putting herself on eye level with the kids. “Two each. Okay?”

Ah. More softening around the edges. Nice. “You heard Miss Molly. Two each.”

Jackets donned and their treasures clasped tight in their hands, Cody and Marisa dashed outside, competing to be the one to open the heavy front door. Owen and Molly followed. They stood on the veranda watching as the kids tossed handfuls of seeds onto the lawn, their loud antics scaring the birds instead of enticing them nearer.

Owen followed Molly’s gaze as it wandered to the distant mountains. This time of year, at the start of winter, the greens and yellows that had previously blanketed the slopes were now a dull brown. Even so, the mountains were majestic, with Pinnacle Peak like a giant hand reaching heavenward.

“You look like you’re somewhere else,” he observed.

Molly shook herself. “I was, I guess.”

“At your grandmother and Uncle Homer’s wedding?”

She exhaled slowly. “It’s hard for me to accept that she chose eloping over a wedding at Sweetheart Ranch with all her family and friends there. I keep telling myself it’s her special day, she can do whatever she chooses.”

“Except she chose to exclude you.”

“I’m being selfish.”

“No, you’re not.” Owen absently adjusted the blanket he’d thrown over Willa. “You love her. You want to be there. It’s natural.”

“I’m so glad they’ll be home for Christmas.”

“The holidays aren’t the same without family. I’d hate to spend mine away from the kids.”

“Grandma and Homer are going to renew their vows on New Year’s Day and throw a big party.”

“I know. Uncle Homer asked me to officiate.”

“Why did I not see that coming?”

Molly laughed and, all at once, Owen glimpsed the vivacious and engaging woman hidden behind the guard she diligently maintained. Almost immediately, he began reconsidering his commitment to avoid any romantic entanglements. She was that appealing.

“Speaking of exchanging vows.” She checked her watch again, and the moment vanished as quickly as it had appeared. “I have someone else’s to coordinate.”

“And I need to practice.”

Owen called for Cody and Marisa to hurry up. They’d run out of birdseed and were climbing an antique pony cart used for a lawn ornament. No sooner had they reached the veranda steps than Nora threw open the front door.

“Molly! Hurry. We got big trouble.”

“What’s wrong?”

“The wireless internet’s down.”

Everyone rushed inside, Willa bouncing awake in Owen’s arms. They all crowded around the registration desk and stared at Molly’s computer with its ominous message in the center of the screen.

“Is losing the internet really such a big deal?” Owen asked, attempting to settle a now cranky Willa.

“Tasha and Wayne are planning to live stream their wedding.” Molly wrung her hands. “We assured them it wouldn’t be a problem.”

Nora shook her head dismally. “I swear, what else could go wrong?”

Don’t ask, Owen thought. He wasn’t as superstitious as many of his rodeo buddies but neither did he believe in inviting trouble.

* * *

IF MOLLY THOUGHT crying would help, she’d produce racking sobs on the spot. But after twenty minutes of her asking nicely, insisting firmly, pleading her case and reading from the guarantee the internet company had given her when the equipment was installed, the representative on the other end of the line had refused to budge.

They simply couldn’t get a technician out until tomorrow. Period. Sorry. Sunday was a bad day for losing internet service. They were shorthanded and had a truck in the shop for repairs. Mustang Valley was outside the general service area. The excuses went on and on.

“We can have a technician there tomorrow,” the man with zero compassion assured her.

A fat lot of good that did them, thought Molly.

“What time?” she asked.

“Between noon and six p.m.”

She started to argue only to clamp her mouth shut. Her energy was better spent finding an alternate means of streaming today’s wedding.

The representative gave her a confirmation number and then asked, “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

He hadn’t helped her much in the first place. “No, thanks.”

Molly hung up just as the satisfaction survey started playing. They really didn’t want her feedback.

“What are you going to do?” Owen asked.

He stood on the other side of the registration counter. His children had gone with Nora to “help” her finish prepping the cabins for their newest guests.

“I’m not sure yet.”

“Do you have a mobile hotspot?”

“We keep one for backup. It’s not great. Cell phone signals this far north are unreliable.” She came out from behind the counter, dreading her next task. “I need to call the bride and groom, let them know they can’t stream the service.”

“Do you think they’ll cancel?”

“Not at this late date. But they and their long-distance family members will be disappointed.” She closed her eyes, wishing the throbbing in her temples would cease. “So much for the positive comments on our social media page and the TV news segment last night.”

“Wait. Don’t panic yet.” Owen took her hand and drew her with him to the bench against the wall. “I may have a solution.”

He pulled her down onto the seat beside him. She’d barely registered the sensation of his strong, warm fingers enveloping hers when he let go and pulled out his cell phone.

“There’s someone I know who might be able to help,” he said.

“Help how?” She stared at her hand. It didn’t look any different.

“He’s part owner of an IT consulting company in Phoenix and pretty savvy about this stuff.”

Owen had her attention. “He can fix our internet?”

“That’s what I’m hoping.” Owen swiped his phone screen and searched his contacts.

“Is he a former Waverly customer?”

“We rodeoed together.”

“And he co-owns an IT company?”

Owen tapped the call button and turned toward her, leaning in. “We’re not all big and dumb.”


Her heart gave the same silly little leap as before. Molly bit her lip. Fortunately, his call went through, sparing her from finishing her reply.

How had she not noticed his ruggedly masculine features before and that his brown hair curled attractively at the ends? She had noticed his smile lighting up his entire face last night when she’d watched the TV news segment. And when she’d watched it a second time this morning. Nora had correctly predicted the positive response he’d have with viewers. Already today Molly had spoken to several potential clients requesting appointments.

“Yeah, Lenny. It’s Owen Caufield.” They exchanged a few pleasantries, and then Owen voiced the reason for his call. “I have a good friend with a serious problem. I’m hoping you can put on your superhero cape and save the day.”

Good friend? Surely Owen had used the term loosely as a means of encouraging Lenny’s cooperation.

“Did I say she?” He shot Molly an amused glance. “But you’re right. My friend is a she. And to answer your second question, you’ll just have to see for yourself.”

Molly listened, pretending to be immune to his semiflirtatious comments and fearing she failed.

“Will something like that work?” After a long pause, Owen said, “Okay, good. The wedding’s at one. Can you get here early? That’ll give us time for a test run.”

Still talking, he inadvertently brushed his hand across Molly’s knee. She almost jerked as his palm briefly made its presence known though the fabric of her jeans. If not for the tingling sensation radiating outward from her knee, he might never have touched her.

“Thanks, man. I owe you one. Nope, that’s it. I’ll text you the address.” Owen disconnected the call. “He’s bringing a booster.”

Molly sat up, quickly collecting herself. “What’s that?”

“The short explanation, it’s a device that strengthens a mobile signal. It’ll enable your hotspot to handle streaming the wedding.”

“They make such a thing?”

“Lenny says boosters aren’t expensive. You might considering buying one for the future, if it works.”

Owen grinned at her, his gaze roving her face and making Molly keenly aware they continued to share a very small space on the bench.

Suddenly self-conscious, she rose. “I should, um, go.”

“I’d better rescue Nora from the kids.” Owen also pushed to his feet. “She can’t be getting much work done.”

“Thank you, Owen, for saving the day.”

“My pleasure.”

When he didn’t move, Molly tilted her head back. Way back. He was tall, she realized. Much taller than her. And he wore his height well, moving with grace and agility.

“You’re proving to be more valuable than I anticipated.” She barely recognized the breathy voice as her own.

“Now if I can just get the officiating weddings part down, I’ll be indispensable.”

“You will. Get better at officiating,” she amended. What would she do if he really did become indispensable?

“I have a good tutor. She’s tough but reasonable in her expectations. Mostly.”

“I apologize if I got carried away this morning at practice and when the internet went down. I want things perfect.”

“You’re launching a brand-new business, and you’re committed to its success. Add to that, you’ve been hit with one problem after the other. You’re understaffed, overworked, lost your regular minister and your internet service. I’d say you’re entitled to get carried away.” At her tentative smile, he said, “There we go,” in a low voice that slowed the madly spinning wheels inside Molly’s head.

Most attractive men had the opposite effect on her, causing her thoughts to race a mile a minute. She couldn’t account for what made Owen different. She could account for the parade of red flags. She wasn’t ready for this, and she certainly wasn’t ready for a single dad of three whose life was in flux.

“I’ll see you later.” Molly retreated a step.

“If I’m not around when Lenny gets here, call me. You can stream me practicing the ceremony to test the equipment.”

“All right.” The phone on the registration counter rang. Relieved, Molly hurried to answer it. Another person had seen the TV news segment last night and wanted more information on the ranch. When she glanced up after ending the call, Owen had disappeared.

Just as well, she thought and went to the parlor where she began removing the vases of orange roses, making room for the white lilies due any moment. Molly had a standing arrangement to donate any leftover flowers to the Rio Verde Senior Living Center.

A Cowboy's Christmas Proposal

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