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“You’re awfully flippant with your boss,”


Noah said. “I could fire you.”

“You don’t scare me,” Olivia replied.

“Really?” Noah leaned in closer, irresistibly drawn by her saucy grin. “And why is that?”

“If you were as mean as you want me to think you are, you never would have come back for me at that bus station.”

He wondered what she would say if she knew it had not been only kindness that had caused him to extend his help. More important, however, he wondered what she would do if he tasted that rosebud of a mouth she was lifting toward his.

“I’m not really so nice,” he murmured.

Her eyes had gone all soft. “I think you are nice. Very nice.”

He kissed her then, before he could come to his senses. He kissed her, even as he was damning his foolishness to hell.

Her Wildest Wedding Dreams

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