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Chapter 4

Twenty minutes later they arrived at her town house. In silence side by side, Janelle and Tyson walked up the short path to the front door. As soon as they got to the top step they stopped. Standing beneath the security lights over the door, each had a front-door key in hand. “You go ahead,” she said, motioning for him to step up and open the front door.

“No,” he said, stepping back. “Please, it’s your home. After you.” She put her key in the lock and turned the latch. “Are we just going to ignore this and pretend?” he asked.

“I’m tired, Tyson. I don’t feel like playing games tonight.”

“This isn’t a game, Janelle,” he assured her.

“Fine, let’s pretend. How about we play a game called ‘truth or truth’?”

He sighed. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know.” His eyes sparkled beneath the lights.

“I can’t believe you. One day you were there, we were talking about getting married and starting a life together, and all of a sudden the next day you were gone.”

He was stunned by her comment. “Janelle, my leaving had nothing to do with what I feel for you. It was about me. I needed time. I needed to go. But when I came back you were gone.”

She scoffed. “What a surprise, and so convenient. At least be original. Isn’t that always the go-to excuse? ‘Oh, no, baby,’” she mocked, “‘it’s not you. It’s me. It’s not that I’m through with you now, or that I was just using you to kill time. I’m just leaving you to go back to my real family now.’”

“Is that what you think? That I had another family someplace else? That I left you because I was through with you?”

“Are you going to seriously stand there and tell me I’m wrong with your daughter and probably your wife waiting inside?” She stopped suddenly. The thought of coming face-to-face with Tyson’s wife sent a stunned shock wave through her system.

An instant later the door opened. Janelle held her breath. Mrs. Ivers stood there, smiling at them. “I thought I heard voices. Why are you two standing out here in the cold? Come on inside.”

“Good evening, Mrs. Ivers,” Tyson said.

“Hi, Mrs. Ivers. Thank you so much for loaning me your car.”

“Hello, Tyson. Janelle, is everything straightened out?”

“Yes, I’m going to stay at my dad’s house for a while. I just came back to drop off your keys and pick up my luggage.” Janelle handed her the car keys.

“Oh, dear, I already put your bags upstairs in the master bedroom. I can go get them.”

“No, no, that’s okay. I’ll get them,” Janelle said, walking toward the stairs quickly. Then she stopped and turned. “Mrs. Ivers, is there someone upstairs?”

“Someone, yes. Aneka is upstairs, asleep in her room,” Mrs. Ivers said, looking at Tyson curiously.

As she climbed, Janelle glanced behind her and saw Tyson watching her. She quickened her pace. She wanted to get her things and get out—and away from Tyson—as soon as possible.

She continued down the hall, opened the already-slightly-open door wider, stepped inside and looked around. A dim light shone from a lamp on a night table beside the large king-size bed; the drapes were open, allowing moonlight to beam in, giving the room a warm, cozy glow. Just as the living room downstairs, it was fully furnished and beautifully decorated with stunning furniture that wasn’t hers.

She spotted her bags on a cozy love seat in the alcove beneath the bay window. Grabbing one of the handles, she pulled it to the floor. As soon as she did, it tumbled open and a mass of clothing fell to her feet. She knelt and began stuffing things back inside.

“Here, let me help you.”

She stiffened, hearing Tyson’s voice as he knelt beside her. He picked up her hair dryer, curling iron and several pieces of intimate apparel.

“I have it,” she said, quickly taking everything from him and zipping the suitcase up again.

He stood and reached down his open hand to her. She stared at his hand without responding. “I won’t bite you, Janelle. I promise.” She took a deep breath and took his hand and stood.

A few seconds passed, her hand still in his. They stood toe to toe, staring at each other in the muted darkness. Neither spoke; Janelle didn’t even dare to breathe. For the first time that evening there was a silent moment of peace between them.

“You’re wrong,” he said softly, answering her earlier question. “I’ll take these downstairs.” She nodded and followed, and then she stopped when movement in the bed caught her eye. He set the bags down, then walked over to lean down at the side of the bed. Janelle watched his movements. That was when she saw the tiny figure snuggled beneath the covers, holding tight to the bride doll Janelle had brought back from Africa. She walked over and stood near.

“Daddy...” The little girl moaned softly and reached out to him.

“Shh, I’m here. Go back to sleep,” he whispered, giving her a hug and a kiss on her forehead.

After tucking the covers over the child, Tyson straightened and smiled. Janelle instantly saw the unconditional love he had for his daughter in his eyes. It was heartwarming to see.

“That’s not her doll,” Tyson said, turning to Janelle.

“No, it’s not. It’s mine.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“It’s a handcrafted Ndebele bride doll. A friend of mine gave it to me before I left. It represents a bride on her wedding day. It’s supposed to be a blessing for a happy, healthy family and future.”

“It looks expensive.”

“I don’t know about that, but it’s sentimental. It was in the side pocket of my luggage. I guess Aneka found it. That would explain why the suitcases were open.”

He sighed heavily while shaking his head. “I’m sorry. She’s in a curious stage right now—she’s into everything.” He reached down to retrieve the doll, but Aneka’s little fingers gripped it tightly as she rolled to the side.

Janelle touched his arm. “No, don’t take it away from her,” she whispered. “I’ll get it another time.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Thank you. I’ll get it back to you. I promise.”

“No problem,” she said softly, then paused. “She is beautiful.”

He smiled proudly. “Yes, she is, and she’s a handful.”

“I bet. How old is she? Four?” Janelle ventured.

“Almost. She’ll be four years old next month. But, to tell you the truth, she’s more like fourteen.”

“Let me guess. Nonstop energy and fiercely independent.”

He nodded continuously. “Oh, yes, and then some. Running, jumping, skipping, dancing... You name it, she does it. Her favorite storybook character right now is Tigger, the tiger from Winnie-the-Pooh. She hops and jumps everywhere. And of course she wears her princess dress and her crown when she does.”

“Of course,” Janelle said, smiling.

“But she’s also kind, generous, creative and wonderfully imaginative. She loves to draw and play make-believe. She insists on choosing her own clothes, even if nothing matches, and she’s a sponge for learning new things. And, admittedly, she has me wrapped around her little finger.”

Janelle smiled. “Daddy’s little girl.”

“Yes, she certainly is,” Tyson said as Aneka stirred.

“She has your heart. That’s how it should be.” Janelle looked closer at the little sleeping angel. Her features were soft and innocent and her skin was honey-toned, far lighter than Tyson’s deep, rich cinnamon complexion. Her hair, a light brown hue, was lightly tinted with reddish-blond highlights. All at once it occurred to her that Aneka bore very little resemblance to Tyson. “She must look like her mother,” she said without thinking.

“Yes, she does,” Tyson replied.

Suddenly, Janelle realized where the conversation might lead. She wasn’t ready to talk about Tyson having another woman in his life. She took a step back. “I’d better go. My dad is probably waiting outside for me.”

“Janelle...” Tyson began, turning to her.

“Daddy,” the little girl muttered again.

Tyson turned back to his daughter.

“Don’t worry about the bags. I’ll pick them up tomorrow. Take care of your daughter.” She turned and walked out.

Seconds later she was opening the front door and stepping outside.

She took a deep breath. A sudden rush of crisp cold December air chilled her lungs. It was a welcome sensation; she needed the intense shock to her senses. Exhaustion and jet lag had apparently gotten the best of her. She’d actually had a civil conversation with Tyson Croft.

She looked up at the full moon and wrapped her hands around her arms and shivered. It seemed a lot colder than it used to be around Christmastime, or maybe she just needed to get used to the seasonal weather again.

The door opened behind her. She didn’t have to look to know it was Tyson.

“Janelle, can we talk?” he asked.

“There’s nothing left for either of us to say,” she said.

“Yes, actually there is. I’m sorry.”

She turned to him. “Is this your attempt at closure?”

“No, it’s a sincere apology for walking away like I did. I know it’s long overdue, but I still need you to know that I’m sorry for what happened between us.”

Janelle looked away without responding. Car lights turned the corner a block away. A few seconds later she recognized her father’s car approaching. “Here comes my dad,” she said, stepping down to the walkway.

“Aneka’s mother—”

“Look, it’s your life. It’s none of my business. I really don’t need to know this,” she quickly interrupted.

“Yes, you do. Aneka’s mother died two and a half years ago in a car accident.”

Janelle paused and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for your loss and I’m sorry for Aneka. It’s difficult growing up without a mother,” she said, knowing from her own past experience.

“Her father is— Her father was my cousin, Girard. He survived the accident, but died a few months later from his injuries. Aneka is my goddaughter and as of two and a half years ago, I’m her legal guardian.”

Janelle looked at him, speechless. This wasn’t what she’d expected to hear. “I’m sorry. I know you and he were very close.”

“We were, and now his daughter is my daughter.”

Neither spoke for a few minutes.

Janelle sighed heavily. “I was surprised to see you here. You’re the last person I ever expected to see again.”

“Yeah, I’m full of surprises these days.”

She looked at him sternly. “Nothing’s changed. Just because my father seems to need you doesn’t mean I do or ever will again.”

He nodded. “I deserve that.”

“Yes, you do. And stop being so damn understanding. You were never that way before.”

“Really? What was I like?”

“Ruthless,” she said.

“Yeah.” He nodded slowly. “I guess I was.”

She grimaced at him. “Wow. Enlightenment. So, what did you do, climb a mountain or chat with a shaman or something?”

He smiled. “Or something.”

“What do you want from me, Tyson? A reprieve? Absolution? My blessing to move on with your life? What?”

“Right now I’ll settle for a cease-fire.” He extended his hand.

She looked at him and then nodded slowly. She was too tired to object. They shook hands and a small smile pulled at her lips. “Cease-fire it is.”

“Perfect timing, I’d say,” Ben said as he got out of his car and waved. “Glad to see you two have settled your issues.”

Tyson picked up her luggage, which he’d brought down with him, and walked over to the car. Janelle followed, but headed to the passenger-side door as Ben opened the trunk and Tyson put her luggage inside. She waited, listening as the two men stood and talked a moment.

She shook her head. She had no idea what was really going on with her father’s business and Tyson, but she was definitely going to find out. The trunk closed and her father walked to the front of the car. She looked into the passenger-side mirror and saw Tyson standing there, waiting.

His apology had been sincere, but there was no way she was going to let him into her life again. He’d hurt her before and she was not going to allow that to happen again.

Ben got into the car and looked over at his daughter. “Well, sweets, are you ready to go home?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m ready,” Janelle said.

As the car pulled away from the curb and drove down the street, she glanced in the side-view mirror again. Tyson was still standing at the curb. She watched him watch her until the car turned the next corner.

Closing her eyes, she relaxed for the first time in days. She was on her way home once more.

Minutes later she climbed the stairs to her childhood room and lay on the bed. Within a matter of seconds she was fast asleep.

* * *

After standing at the curb and watching Ben’s car drive away, Tyson went back inside and climbed the stairs. As he headed for the master bedroom, he glanced in on Aneka to see that she was still asleep, holding Janelle’s doll.

He walked over and sat on the love seat beneath the alcove. He laid his head back, thinking about the evening. Hearing Janelle’s voice when she had called earlier had been a shock, but seeing her walk into the office had left him speechless.

Granted, she was stunned and furious to see him. Even so, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her soft brown eyes still sparkled when she was emotional and her flawless skin still singed red when she was angry. Her full lips were still as luscious and tempting as ever and her body was just as perfect as always.

Her reappearance in his life was far sooner than he’d expected, yet it had allowed him to take the first step back into her life. Granted, it had been awkward and far more difficult than he’d expected, but nonetheless it was a move toward a new beginning.

He had loved her the moment he’d first seen her walk into the hospital cafeteria years ago. He’d known right then she was the only woman for him. It had taken her a bit longer to see that he was the man for her. But together they had worked it out and their union had ended up strong...before he’d left. Tyson needed to remind her of that. It would take time. She may not be ready to accept him right now, but there was one thing he knew for sure—tomorrow was another day.

This Holiday Magic

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