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    A grateful nation's thanks are due

    To Arethusa and to you–

    To her who dauntless at your side

    Pneumonia and Flue defied

    With phials of formaldehyde!


    Chief of Police were you, by gosh!

    Gol ding it! how you bumped the Boche!

    Handed 'em one with club and gun

    Until the Hun was on the run:

    And that's the way the war was won.


    Easthampton's pride! My homage take

    For Fairest Philadelphia's sake.

    Retire in company with Bill;

    Rest by the Racquet's window sill

    And, undisturbed, consume your pill.


    When Cousin Feenix started west

    And landed east, he did his best;

    And so I've done my prettiest

    To make this rhyme long overdue;

    For Arethusa and for you.

R. W. C.

In Secret

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