Читать книгу Desire Collection: November Books 1 - 4 - Charlene Sands - Страница 25



By the time Eddy woke up, hungry and cranky and so perfectly normal that Sofia could barely hold it together, her mom had shown up at the hospital. Sofia did manage to ask how Addy was doing, to which her mother replied, “Much better. She’s been sleeping and—” but that was when the nurse and the doctor came in and began unhooking Eddy from his IV and Sofia didn’t get to finish her conversation with her mother.

She knew she looked like hell and felt worse. She’d managed to snatch a few hours of broken rest after Wyatt’s mysterious appearance, but nobody slept well in a hospital, least of all a worried mother.

By the time Sofia and Mom left with Eddy, it was two in the afternoon and Sofia was still wearing the same pair of shapewear she’d had on for the last thirty-some-odd hours. Her dress was no longer pretty but wilted and wrinkled, just like Sofia.

The funny thing was that they didn’t take a cab home. Eric’s car and driver were waiting for them, complete with a car seat for Eddy in the back. It was the sort of thoughtful gesture that made Sofia realize she couldn’t be upset with Eric. He might have disappeared at some point in the middle of the night, but it was thoughtful of him to send the car. Besides, it wasn’t like she expected him to hang out in the hospital waiting room. There hadn’t been space for him in Eddy’s small room and he wasn’t the boy’s father.

She had no idea what was going to happen at work tomorrow. Or even if she was going to work tomorrow. How was she supposed to do her job now that she and Eric had fallen into bed together? Would she even be able to walk into his office without thinking of him moving over her? Or would he conveniently “find” another job for her, one that removed her from the office, like he’d done for the last employee who’d tried to seduce him? And sleeping with him didn’t even count the damage she might have done to his deal. If he lost the St. Louis development, would he blame her? Her stomach turned at the thought.

It’d been a mistake, she’d realized at some point in the middle of the night. She never should’ve mixed business and pleasure. It had been a mistake to leave her children for the weekend and that mistake had been compounded by sleeping with Eric.

He would be upset, she knew. But the plain truth was that she did not have the time or energy to start a relationship. Her children had to come first and Eric was a bachelor. A gorgeous billionaire bachelor. Frankly, she’d never figured out why he was interested in her in the first place. Not when he could have his pick of anyone—and they both knew he could. He was the very highest of the high and she was...

Well, she was more than just the maid’s daughter. But she was a single mom, an office manager. She didn’t fit with him. That’s all there was to it.

Still, she thought as she sank back into the luxurious leather seating of Eric’s car, being with Eric had been a gift in and of itself. A misguided one, but still. She had not died when her husband had. She had struggled and mourned, but she hadn’t given up and she still had the capacity to open her heart to someone else. She still needed love. She still wanted to share her heart—and her body—with someone.

It just couldn’t be Eric. A weekend’s wardrobe of couture clothing didn’t change the differences between them. Billionaire bachelors didn’t get involved with widowed office managers with twin toddlers. They didn’t deal with dirty diapers and barfing and the constant messes and sleepless nights. They jetted around the country with supermodels on their arms and partied with the rich and famous.

Her head hurt just thinking about Eric in the arms of another woman, which was, again, not logical. She couldn’t have him and she had no right to be jealous of someone else having him.

Eddy fussed mightily as they pulled up in front of the house and Sofia unbuckled him. She was suddenly desperate to see Addy. It wasn’t fair to her daughter that she hadn’t been able to get home and see her yet.

Sofia followed her mom inside, dragging hard. She needed to change and she couldn’t remember the last time she ate something. But she had to see her baby girl first. “Addy? Honey, Mommy’s home,” she called out softly.

“She’s in the living room,” Mom said as she headed for the kitchen. “With—”

Sofia came to a stumbling halt as she turned the corner. Because Addy was, indeed, in the living room—fast asleep on Eric’s chest. Eric was sprawled out on the ancient family couch. He’d lost both his jacket and his button-up shirt at some point and was wearing nothing but a T-shirt that, even at this distance, Sofia could see was stained. Addy had a blanket draped around her, and Eric was holding her, one hand under her bottom, the other across her back.

Oh, God. Had he been here with her daughter the entire night?

She must’ve gasped or something because just then, Eric’s eyes fluttered open. He blinked and then focused on her. “Hey,” he said, smiling sleepily. “You guys are home. That’s wonderful. Addy and I have been holding down the couch for you.”

And it wasn’t fair, damn it all, that he was here with Addy while she had been at the hospital with Eddy. It wasn’t fair that, even in a stained T-shirt, he was still the most handsome man she’d ever seen. And it wasn’t fair that, just when she’d realized she could never be right for him, he went and made her fall in love with him all over again.

“How long have you been here?”

“What time is it?” he asked, stretching carefully so that he didn’t jostle the baby girl.

“Two thirty.” It was naptime, she realized. Eric and Addy had been napping together and it was so perfectly sweet it was going to break her heart.

He yawned. “I think I left the hospital a little before four? Addy was pretty fussy, but she seemed calmer when I held her, so I stayed. Sorry I didn’t get back to check on you and Eddy. How are you doing, big guy?” he asked when Eddy swiveled his head around at the sound of his name.

At the same time, Addy jolted awake. She looked up and saw Sofia. Instantly, her lips began to quiver.

Eric sat up and kissed Addy’s head and it wasn’t fair because Sofia wanted him so much and it simply wouldn’t work. There were reasons she couldn’t have this. Good reasons. That she couldn’t think of right now.

Eric stood and came toward her and her breath caught in her throat. “Trade you,” he said, as Addy leaned toward Sofia and Eddy pitched toward Eric because even her son was happy to see him. Eric caught the little boy in his arms and Sofia knew she wasn’t imagining that the man was happy to see her baby boy.

She caught Addy in her arms and hugged the little girl to her chest, trying to find her balance. But before that happened, Eric leaned over and kissed Sofia’s forehead. “I’m so glad you’re home, babe. I hated leaving you there, but I figured you’d want me to be with Addy.”

“I...” She blinked at him. His jaw was scruffy and he was rumpled and he was still the sexiest man she’d ever seen.

“Listen,” Eric said, his voice low as he rubbed Eddy’s back. “I was thinking—your parents are great, but this is a super small house and the kids need room to grow. My dad was touring a condo on the Gold Coast that would be perfect for us.”

“Us?” He hadn’t said us, had he? No, she was just hearing things. She was tired and—

“Three thousand square feet, a great view of the lake—plenty of room for the kids. Closer to everything. And we could get a better couch,” he joked, stretching like a cat.

“Eric...” Maybe she was still dreaming. She’d fallen asleep in the hospital and was hallucinating that a man like Eric Jenner had spent the last God-only-knew-how-many hours taking care of a sick baby.

And waiting on her. Waiting to—to what? To ask her to move in with him? Or just... “I can’t afford a Gold Coast condo, Eric.”

He had the nerve to snort in amusement. “I wouldn’t expect you to split the cost with me, babe. It’s a gift for you. For us.”

There was that word again. Us. And Eric was saying it while soothing a clingy Eddy.

But Sofia was not feeling calm. “What are you talking about? Because it sounds like...” Like he wanted her to move her whole family in with him. How did that make any sense?

It didn’t.

“Not today, of course,” he said, completely oblivious to her confusion. “The condo needs to be remodeled. But I can buy it and when it’s ready, we can move in together.”

Her mouth flopped open. She wasn’t dreaming this, was she? He was asking her to move in with him.

“I’d hope,” he went on, stepping in closer and shifting so he could cup her cheek in his palm without disrupting Eddy, “that you’d consider getting married before that point, though. I’ll take you any way I can get you, but if you’ll have me, I’d consider it the greatest honor of my life if you’d marry me, Sofia. I promised I’d take care of you and I meant it. For the rest of our lives, let me take care of you.”

His thumb stroked over her cheek and Addy sighed in what felt like happiness and Eddy smiled at her from where he was tucked against Eric’s chest and Sofia almost, almost said yes. This was every fantasy come to life—a hot, rich, single billionaire who liked small children and was great in bed and was promising to give her the world on a silver platter.

But when she opened her mouth, yes wasn’t what came out. Because she did love him and she did want him and her babies loved him...but how on earth could he think she could fit into his world?

How much would it cost him if she said yes? Not just this deal. There was always something with kids.

She couldn’t do this to him. She couldn’t saddle him with her life, her problems, couldn’t expect him to step into the role of father to someone else’s children.

Oh, this hurt. But it was the right thing to do. He’d see that soon enough.

“Eric, no.”

Desire Collection: November Books 1 - 4

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