Читать книгу Obstetrics for Nurses - Charles B. Reed - Страница 4



Table of Contents

1.The normal female pelvis18
2.The planes of the brim, the cavity, and the outlet19
3.Visceral relations20
4.Uterus and appendages22
5.Normal position of pelvic organs24
6.The external genitals25
7A.Varieties of hymen27
7B.Varieties of hymen28
8A.The excreting ducts of the mammary gland29
8B.Lobules and duct of the mammary gland29
9.Nipple, areola, and the glands of Montgomery30
10.Supernumerary milk glands in the axillæ31
11.The three ages of the breast31
12.Development of the ovary34
13.Graafian follicles35
14.Human spermatozoa36
15.The chorionic villi about the third week of pregnancy38
16.Diagram illustrating relations of structures of the human uterus at the end of the seventh week of pregnancy39
17.Maternal surface of the placenta and membranes40
18.Fœtal surface of human placenta41
19.The egg at term with uterus removed42
20.Normal attitude of fœtus43
21.Fœtal skulls showing sutures44
22A. and B.Child’s head at term, showing diameters45
23.The fœtal circulation49
24.Gravid uterus at the end of the eighth week52
25.Striæ gravidarum54
26.Bimanual examination60
27.Abdominal enlargement at different months of pregnancy63
28.Height of the uterus at various months of pregnancy64
30.Diagram representing the sites for the various forms of tubal pregnancy90
31.Abdominal binder with crosspiece to hold vulvar pads100
32.T-binder, used in all cases after the fifth day post partum100
33.Breast binder101
34.Baby’s dress with winged sleeves102
35.The bag of waters begins to act on the cervix111
36.The effect of the pains. The cervix before labor begins112
37.The effect of the pains. The cervix begins to be “effaced”112
38.The effect of the pains. The cervix is effaced, and the dilatation of the os begins113
39.The effect of the pains. The cervix is effaced and the os continues to dilate113
40.The cervix is effaced and the os dilated115
41.Child in second stage of labor116
42.The head passing over the perineum117
43.Normal expulsion of the placenta according to Schultze118
44.The child in left-occipito-anterior position122
45.The child in right-occipito-anterior position123
46.The descent of the head in right-occipito-anterior position124
47.Internal anterior rotation and extension of the head in a left-occipito-anterior position124
49.Extension completed. Expulsion125
50.A cephalhæmatoma127
51.Points of greatest intensity of fœtal heart tones130
52.Handling forceps, kept sterile in a jar of alcohol132
53.Palpation. What is in the pelvis?134
54.Palpation. What is in the fundus?135
55.Palpation. Where is the back? Where are the small parts?136
56.Patient draped for internal examination137
57.Delivery in side position141
58.Sheet twisted into a sling147
59.Repair of perineum148
60.The progress of involution152
61.The breech. Left-sacro-anterior position166
62.The breech. Left-sacro-posterior position167
63.Extraction of the breech170
64.Breech delivery. Extraction of the trunk171
65.Breech delivery. Delivering the shoulder172
66.The delivery of the after-coming head by the Smellie-Veit maneuver172
67.Shoulder presentation173
68.Face presentation175
69.Descent of the chin in face presentation176
70.Delivery in face presentation177
71.Exaggerated lithotomy position181
72.Dorsal position when assistants are available182
73.Instruments for artificial delivery of the head183
74.Forceps operation. Introduction of the left blade186
75.Forceps operation. The introduction of the right blade187
76.Forceps operation. Locking the handles187
77.Forceps operation. The way the blades should grasp the fœtal head188
78.Forceps operation. Traction on the handles189
79.Forceps operation. The delivery of the head189
80.Version. Seizing a foot190
81.Version. The child rotates as pressure is made upon the head and traction upon the foot191
82.Version is complete when the knee appears at the vulva192
83.The Walcher position194
84.The Wiegand compression of the child’s head to force it into the pelvis195
85.The Naegele perforator196
86.Apparatus for getting a sterile specimen of urine from an infant201
87.Tampon of the uterus203
88.Tampon of vagina204
89.Pean forceps208
90.Hand bulb syringe; and Vorhees bags; bag rolled and grasped by Pean forceps ready for introduction209
91.Vorhees bag in place210
93.Various forms of pelvic deformity215
94.The pelvimeter216
95.The various diameters of the inlet216
96.Measuring the distance between the anterior superior spines of the pelvis217
97.Measuring the external conjugate218
98.Measuring the diagonal conjugate with the finger219
99.Various forms of placenta prævia229
100.The knee-elbow posture236
101.The knee-chest posture236
102.The exaggerated lithotomy position obtained with a sheet sling237
103.The improvised Trendelenburg position237
104.The dorsal position with stirrups238
105.Dorsal position across the bed239
106.Flexed dorsal position with feet on the table240
107.The Sims position241
108.Examples of imperfect nipples245
109.A standard nipple shield246
110.A standard breast pump251
111.Germs most frequently found in cases of puerperal fever256
112.Rubber bath tub266
113.The Pettit cord clamp268
114.Standard breast pump; Standard nursing bottle; the breast tray; the Wansbrough lead nipple shield; the Brophy nipple for harelip and cleft palate271
115.Proper position of mother while nursing child274
116.Proper method of taking rectal temperature276
117.Method of passing the tracheal catheter279
118.Byrd’s method of artificial respiration. Extension and inspiration280
119.Byrd’s method of artificial respiration. Beginning flexion and expiration280
120.Byrd’s method of artificial respiration. Flexion and compression281
121.Method of giving gavage284
122.Apparatus for gavage or lavage286
123.Cleft palate nipple288
124.The device for feeding the child with cleft palate288
125.Device for assisting the cleft palate child to nurse289
126.Method of strapping an umbilical hernia290
127.Proper position for introduction of a suppository299
130.Elements of human milk312

Obstetrics for Nurses

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