Читать книгу The Pleasures of the Damned - Charles Bukowski - Страница 11


tabby cat

he has on blue jeans and tennis shoes

and walks with two young girls

about his age.

every now and then he leaps

into the air and

clicks his heels together.

he’s like a young colt

but somehow he also reminds me

more of a tabby cat.

his ass is soft and

he has no more on his mind

than a gnat.

he jumps along behind his girls

clicking his heels together.

then he pulls the hair of one

runs over to the other and

squeezes her neck.

he has fucked both of them and

is pleased with himself.

it has all happened

so easily for him.

and I think, ah,

my little tabby cat

what nights and days

wait for you.

your soft ass

will be your doom.

your agony

will be endless

and the girls

who are yours now

will soon belong to other men

who didn’t get their cookies

and cream so easily and

so early.

the girls are practicing on you

the girls are practicing for other men

for someone out of the jungle

for someone out of the lion cage.

I smile as

I watch you walking along

clicking your heels together.

my god, boy, I fear for you

on that night

when you first find out.

it’s a sunny day now.


while you


The Pleasures of the Damned

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