Читать книгу The Gospel Day; Or, the Light of Christianity - Charles Ebert Orr - Страница 4

Christianity In The First Centuries Of This Gospel Age As Revealed In The Life And Teaching Of Christ And The Apostles.


Table of Contents

In this division of this work we desire to set forth in a clear, comprehensive manner the true character and principles of Christianity as seen in the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. The Bible is our only source of knowledge respecting the true nature of a Christian life. Man may presume, but the Scriptural declarations are in verity. The New Testament sets forth in such clearness the nature of a Christian heart and the conduct that naturally issues from such a heart that none need be deceived as to their spiritual standing. Christianity is in absolute and perfect accord with the Holy Scriptures. This is a fact that all must concede. No matter what may be the philosophy and theory of man, Christianity is just what the Bible plainly declares it to be. A life that is out of harmony with the sacred truth can not be a Christian life. For this reason we desire to set forth the principal teachings of the New Testament respecting practical Christianity.

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The Gospel Day; Or, the Light of Christianity

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