Читать книгу The Christian Healing Power - Charles Fillmore - Страница 14

Cleansing And Purifying Statements
(To be used in connection with Lesson Five)


Table of Contents

1. God is good, and God is all, therefore I refuse to believe in the reality of evil in any of its forms.

2. God is life, and God is all; therefore I refuse to believe in the reality of loss of life, or death.

3. God is power and strength, and God is all; therefore I refuse to believe in inefficiency and weakness.

4. I am in authority. I say to this thought, "Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh." (Read Mt. 8:5-13.)

5. God is wisdom, and God is all! therefore I refuse to believe in ignorance.

6. God is spiritual substance, and God is all; therefore there is no reality in the limitations of matter.

7. God is inexhaustible resource, and God is all; therefore I refuse to believe in the reality of lack or poverty.

8. God is love, and God is all; therefore I refuse to believe in hate or revenge.

9. "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit, than he that taketh a city."

The Christian Healing Power

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