Читать книгу Anatomy and Embalming - Charles Otto Dhonau - Страница 55

The Skeleton.


—The entire skeleton in the adult consists of 200 distinct bones.

Fig. 12—The Skeleton.

Cervical 7
Dorsal 12
Lumbar 5
Coccygeal 1
Sacral 1
26 26
Cranium 8
Face 14
Hyoid 1
Sternum 1
True 7 Pair
False 3
Floating 2
12 24
Upper Extremities 64
Lower Extremities 62

In the above outline the bones of the ear and the sesamoid bones are not considered. Different anatomists make different computations as to the number of bones in the skeleton. Some authorities add the bones of the ear, thus making 206 in all. If all the little sesamoid bones were added, the number could be greatly augmented.

Anatomy and Embalming

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