Читать книгу Liquid Drops and Globules, Their Formation and Movements - Charles R. Darling - Страница 4
1. Silver sheet floating on water . . . . . 4
2. Column and index of minimum thermometer . . . 6
3. Thread of golden syrup rising and forming a drop . . 8
4. Drops of different sizes resting on flat plate . . 10
5. Formation of a sphere of orthotoluidine . . . 12
6. Detached sphere floating under water . . . . 13
7. The centrifugoscope . . . . . . . 14
8. Aniline drops falling through cold water and ascending
through hot water . . . . . . 17
9. Aniline skins enveloping water . . . . . 20
10, 11, 12. The “diving” drop. Three stages . . . . 23
13. Apparatus for forming ascending or descending drops of liquids 27
14–20. Formation of a drop of orthotoluidine, showing the
droplet. Seven stages . . . . . 29–31
21, 22. Automatically formed aniline drops, showing the
formation of droplets from the neck . . . 34, 35
23–25. Jets of orthotoluidine discharged under water . . 39
26. Water stretched between a tube and a plate . . . 40
27–30. A liquid column stretched upwards by addition
of water until broken. Four stages . . . 43
31. A column of aceto-acetic ether in water . . . 44
[pg viii]
32. Apparatus for communicating drops . . . . 45
33. Combined vapour and liquid drops . . . . 49
34. Spheroid of water on a hot plate . . . . 58
35. Forces acting on a floating globule . . . . 61
36. Aniline globules on a water surface . . . . 64
37. Orthotoluidine globules on a water surface . . . 66
38. Resolution of a floating skin into globules . . . 68
39. Network formed from a film of tar-oil . . . . 70
40. Quinoline rings and perforated plates . . . . 71
41. The expanding globule . . . . . . 72
42. The “devouring” globule. Five stages . . . 74
43. Photograph of one globule absorbing another . . . 75
[pg ix]