Читать книгу Christianity and Islam in Spain, A.D. 756-1031 - Charles Reginald Haines - Страница 3



Table of Contents

Invasion of Spain by the barbarians—Its easy conquest—Quarrels among the conquerors—Departure of the Vandals—Visigoths gain the supremacy—Conflict with Eastern Empire—Reduction of the Suevi—All Spain becomes Gothic—Approach of Saracens—Planting of Christianity in Spain—St. James—Gospel first preached at Elvira—Irenaeus—Persecutions—Martyrs—Council of Elvira—Council of Nice—Number of Christians—Paganism proscribed—Julian—Arianism—Ulphilas—Conversion of barbarians—Degeneracy of religion—Priscillian—His heresy condemned—Priscillian burnt—Paganism, in Spain—The Gothic Government—Church and State—Power of king—Election of bishops—Arianism of Goths—Ermenegild—Bigotry in Spain—Jews—Influence of clergy—Of the pope … … 1–11

Christianity and Islam in Spain, A.D. 756-1031

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