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James 1:13–15


March 8


Temptation comes to all of us. Most often it comes in

unexpected ways. Its movement is towards death rather than life. But good can come out of it, for grace can follow close on the heels of every temptation.

To be tempted presupposes there is a God from whom one can

deviate. And it presupposes one can compromise one’s own values. It also assumes the Christian has an enemy who is the great Tempter and this personage has some power and influence.

But what is clear from the biblical story is that the great Tempter has limited power and the Christian is safe in the sheltering presence of Christ. Thus, we need not be afraid. But we do need to be aware and vigilant.

The early church father Origen however, believed that the

movement of temptation is not wholly negative. Good can come out of it. He writes, “Temptations . . . serve the purpose of showing us who we really are.”67

Since we are usually tempted in the area of our own foolishness, pride, vulnerability, or weakness, temptation has a way of drawing our attention to those areas of our lives where we are blind or out of kilter. Thus temptation is a wake-up call, inviting us to attentiveness in those areas of our lives where we take things for granted and where problems exist. Temptation can remind us, therefore, what we need to change to and become.


In the hands of the enemy of our soul, temptation is the blunt instrument of death. In the purposes of God, it is a gentle blessing unto life.

Hear the Ancient Wisdom

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