Читать книгу Greek Biology & Greek Medicine - Charles Singer - Страница 4



1. Lioness and young, from an Ionian vase of the sixth century b. c. 7
2. A, Jaw bones of lion; B, head of lioness from Caere vase 7
3. Paintings of fish on plates: Italo-Greek work of the fourth century b. c. 8
4. Head and talons of the Sea-eagle, Haliaëtus albicilla:
A, from an Ionic vase of the sixth century b. c.;
B, drawn from the object 9
5. Minoan gold cup, sixteenth century b. c. facing 12
6. Horse’s head, from Parthenon. 440 b. c. 12
7. Aristotle. From Herculaneum; probably work of fourth century b. c. 18
7a. The Order of Living Things according to Aristotle 30
7b. The Four Elements and the Four Qualities 39
8. Theophrastus. From Villa Albani;
copy (second century a. d.?) of earlier work facing 60
9, 10. Fifth century drawings from Juliana Anicia MS.,
copied from originals of the first century b. c. (?): 9,
Σογκός τρυφερός = Crepis paludosa, Moen.; 10,
Γεράνιον = Erodium malachoides, L. ” 64
11. Illustrating Galen’s physiological teaching 67
1. Hippocrates. British Museum, second or third century b. c. facing 90
2. Asclepius. British Museum, fourth century b. c. ” 90
3, 4. From MS. of Apollonius of Kitium, of ninth century
(copied from a pre-Christian original):
3, reducing dislocated shoulder; 4, reducing dislocated jaw 104
5. A Greek clinic of about 400 b. c.: from a vase-painting 106
6. A kylix, from the Berlin Museum, of about 490 b. c. 107
7. Athenian funerary monument. British Museum, second century a. d. facing 114
8. Votive tablet, representing cupping and bleeding instruments,
from Temple of Asclepius at Athens ” 120
Greek Biology & Greek Medicine

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