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HAUGH'TY, proud; disdainful.

PAR TIC' U LAR LY, especially.

TRANS ACT', do; perform.

A BASH' ED, confused.

DIS COV' ER, find out.

EX AM' INE (egz am' in), look over; inspect. REC' TI FY, correct; make right. REC' OM PENSE, reward. DE SERVES', merits. DE CLIN' ING, failing. PRE VENT' ED, hindered. AP PRO BA' TION, approval. PRE'CEPTS, instructions; counsels. BEN E FAC' TOR, friend; one that benefits. A MASS' ED, gathered. A DAPT' ED, suited. CON FI DEN' TIAL, trusty; trusted. IN TEG' RI TY, honesty.

Sanders' Union Fourth Reader

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