Courtyard of the Falcon Inn | 25 |
Saxon Tower, S. Benedict’s Church | 29 |
The Abbey House | 35 |
Chapel, Barnwell Priory | 39 |
The Round Church | 41 |
Oriel Windows from House in Petty-Cury | facing page 46 |
Clare College and Bridge | 101 |
Pembroke College | 107 |
Pembroke College, Oriels and Entrance | 109 |
Caius College, The Gate of Honour | 117 |
King’s Parade | 139 |
King’s College Chapel | 145 |
King’s College Chapel | facing page 150 |
King’s College Quadrangle | 155 |
Cloister Court, Queens’ College | 163 |
Oriel Window, Queens’ College | 166 |
The Bridge and Gables, Queens’ College | 169 |
A Bit from Sidney Street | 172 |
Divinity Schools and S. John’s | 193 |
Norman Work in Church of Jesus College | 197 |
Norman Work in N. Transept, Jesus College Chapel | 201 |
Entrance to Chapter-House, Priory of S. Rhadegund | 203 |
Jack in Wolsey’s Kitchen, Christ’s College | 219 |
The Courtyard of the Wrestlers’ Inn | facing page 220 |
Entrance to S. John’s College | 229 |
S. John’s College from the Backs | 233 |
Bridge of Sighs, S. John’s College | 239 |
Tower and Gateway, Trinity College | facing page 252 |
The Fountain, Trinity College | ” 258 |