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FIRE/EARTH Unstoppable; ambitious; tough-minded; domineering; enthusiastic and forceful manner; pragmatic intellect; droll sense of humour; sensible; ardent; persistent; aggressive; good organizer; a realist; the winner; the boss.

You are a go-getting realist, a maverick traditionalist whose strident energy and ambition takes you into the struggle of life at an early age. It is not so much that your life is a struggle, but that you experience life as a series of challenges to be conquered, and you more than most need a challenge in order to feel alive.

Something of a young up-start with an eye to the main chance, you are likely to be found in the establishment but often waging war against oppressive laws or traditions. You could also be a creative entrepreneur forging some new and exciting product or enterprise. Whatever you are involved with is likely to possess both originality and longevity, flair and endurance.

Politics is a very natural habitat for you, and it is here that you can be a very persistent thorn in the flesh of the status quo, bringing a searing honesty and fresh viewpoint which shocks people out of stagnant ways of working. And despite the insults and threats that you may provoke, you do not go away. You have tremendous willpower and are thick-skinned enough to see your personal aim through to its completion. You respect the law and learn to work within its boundaries, but just by a hair’s-breadth, because you have to push the system to its absolute limit to make enough room for your individuality to express itself – and leave its stamp for posterity.

You say matter-of-factly what you intend to do, then you do it. You may be fairly low-key, not obviously a colourful Aries, but you are all the more determined for the close focus of your attention. There is something of the working-class hero about you, droll, down-to-earth and unaffected, with a scathing wit and a controlled cheekiness. You often use humour and sarcasm to get your point across.

You go for sound, solid ideals, and rarely waver from your path once you have seen the way ahead. You always assume you are right until proved wrong, and it takes quite an audacious opponent to stand up to you. Although you are naturally arrogant and impatient, you are nonetheless devoted to truth and respect personal courage in anyone, and you will immediately climb down to acknowledge the soul who is strong enough and wise enough to teach you a new lesson.

Although you want to win (and usually do), your self-respect and personal integrity is more important to you than anything. This goes for personal relationships, too: they tend to play second fiddle to your career ambitions and to those personal challenges that are such powerful grist to your mill.

Sun Sign, Moon Sign: Discover the personality secrets of the 144 sun-moon combinations

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