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“I appreciate all your help, Adam,” Janelle said, “including letting us stay in the cottage tonight.”

“No problem.” He pushed himself to his feet. “I’m going to call it a night. You want me to get your daughter for you?”

“If you don’t mind. She’s getting almost too heavy for me to carry.”

Together they walked inside. Janelle stopped at Hailey’s bedroom door.

“I meant to comment on the good job you’re doing raising your daughter on your own,” Janelle said. “She’s a lovely girl.”

“Thanks. She is a good kid. I’m a little worried, though, about when she gets to be a teenager. I’m sure not going to be able to give her much advice about dating and wearing makeup and stuff like that.”

Janelle chuckled. “You’ll figure it out.” A father as devoted as Adam would do just fine as long as Hailey knew how much he loved her.

Janelle wished Rae had a father like that.

Montana Love Letter

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