Читать книгу Shoulda Been A Cowboy - Charlotte Douglas - Страница 2

“Memories are precious, especially when they’re all you have left.”


His face was partially hidden in shadow, but the raw pain in his voice kept his words from sounding like platitudes. Caroline had no doubt that Ethan had experienced his own losses.

She stood, intending to remove herself from the temptation of trying to learn more about him. “If you’re hungry later, feel free to raid the kitchen.”

He pushed to his feet and towered beside her, the tall, dark silhouette of her afternoon dream. “Thanks for your hospitality.”

He looked terrific, smelled even better, and Caroline struggled not to lean into him, to feel the warmth of his embrace again, the soft brush of his breath against her ear, the beat of his heart beneath her cheek.

Had she lost her mind?

She attributed her uncharacteristic impulses to grief.

“Sleep well,” she said, turned quickly and made her escape before she did something foolish, like standing on tiptoe to kiss him good-night.

Shoulda Been A Cowboy

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