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“You’re not really into this, are you?”


I sighed. Bill knew me too well. “I’ve never been a big fan of Christmas, not even as a kid.”

“That’s hard to believe. What kid doesn’t like Christmas?”

“My mother always hijacked the holiday.”

“Your family didn’t celebrate?”

“We celebrated all right, in my family’s own inimitable way.”

Bill pulled me toward him and tipped my chin with his finger until our eyes met. “You don’t have to do this—” he nodded toward the box with my Mrs. Claus costume “—if you don’t want to.”

I hesitated. Part of me wanted to take the out he’d given me and run.

“You’ve been telling me I need to lighten up and have some fun. So I’ll give it my best shot,” I said, determined to enjoy myself.

Even if it killed me.

Holidays Are Murder

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