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Dear Reader,

In my former life, I worked in a number of offices and I was always intrigued by the melting pot of personalities you get in that environment. People with different backgrounds and lives, who are thrown together and have to find a way to get along. The idea of writing an office romance really appealed to me, and I thought hard about the types of people I’d encountered at work over the years. I had a boss like Alice once. She was completely absorbed and focused on work to the exclusion of everything else, she had no social life and kept everyone at a professional distance. I found myself wondering what could have happened to drive someone to take refuge in their work like that.

Ten years ago a dodgy photo in unscrupulous hands might have been flashed around a table in a bar or shown to a few mates. In the world of social media that we live in now, dodgy photos have the potential to go viral at the click of a button and, once out there, can be impossible to get back. Tearing up a photo is no longer an end to it. What might have been a short-lived joke ten years ago can be a massive betrayal now.

What would it be like to find yourself “out there” on the internet, your privacy compromised by someone you trusted? Under those circumstances, it might make perfect sense to throw yourself into work, an area of your life where you are responsible for your own success or failure and where you can easily keep people at arm’s length.

Then imagine what might happen if someone irresistible came along and challenged that safety?

From these thoughts, Alice and Harry’s story grew.

I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


All Bets Are On

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