Читать книгу Australian Cattle Dog - Charlotte Schwartz - Страница 12
ОглавлениеHere comes an important event in your life! You’re about to find the Australian Cattle Dog that’s perfect for you and your lifestyle. Keep in mind that your selection should be based on the homework you’ve done prior to this time. In other words, you’ve researched the breed by reading as much as you can on the subject, talking to AuCaDo breeders and getting their advice regarding whether or not the AuCaDo is the right breed of dog for you and, finally, talking to other Australian Cattle Dog owners and heeding their comments on the breed. The parent club for the breed, the Australian Cattle Dog Club of America (www.acdca.org) is a good source of information and can point you to regional clubs and member breeders in your part of the country. Additionally, it would be wise to talk to your local veterinarian and get his opinion on the general health of the breed, as well as inquire about his experience with the breed and any problems he might have seen.
Your carefully considered choice of the Australian Cattle Dog can result in many years of canine companionship beyond compare.
If you lead an erratic, unpredictable life, with daily or weekly changes in your work requirements, consider the problems of owning a puppy. The new puppy has to be fed regularly, social ized (loved, petted, handled, introduced to other people) and, most importantly, allowed to go outdoors for house-training. As the dog gets older, he can be more tolerant of deviations in his feeding and relief schedule.
Let’s assume that all of your investigations have proven fruitful. You feel sure that there’s an AuCaDo puppy out there, waiting just for you, so now all you need is to find this perfect pup. Get back in touch with the breeders with whom you spoke originally and find out who has a litter of puppies. If there are none available at this time, ask questions about who’s going to be breeding in the near future and when the proposed puppies will be ready to go to new homes. That, then, will become your target date and you’ll use the present time to prepare yourself, your family and your home for receiving an AuCaDo puppy.
Getting a new puppy is, in many ways, a lot like having a baby. There are many things you must consider, dozens of things you must do to get ready and many arrangements that must be made for the optimum upbringing of this youngster. Let’s begin by preparing yourself and your family for the new addition.
Have you thought about the fact that you’ll probably have to get up earlier than usual for a while? You’ll be taking the puppy out for toilet training very frequently at first. As the pup grows, he will slowly develop bladder muscle control, so the frequency and urgency of going out will subside.
Is your family willing and able to assist in the housebreaking chore? Do all of the members realize how observant they will need to be in keeping a watchful eye on the new little fellow? Are they willing to take care of scheduled feeding times? Is everyone in agreement about crate-training the puppy?
You will need to have some serious discussions about what you will and will not accept in the way of the puppy’s behavior. For example, is the puppy going to be allowed on beds and furniture? How much freedom is the puppy going to be given once he’s mature? Some families allow their dogs total freedom throughout the home, while others limit dogs to certain rooms in the house, such as the kitchen and family room. All of these things must be decided before you bring the puppy into your home.
Too often new owners are confused between these two important documents. Your puppy’s pedigree, essentially a family tree, is a written record of a dog’s genealogy of three generations or more. The pedigree will show you the names as well as performance titles of all dogs in your pup’s background. Your breeder must provide you with a registration application, with his part properly filled out. You must complete the application and send it to the AKC with the proper fee. Every puppy must come from a litter that has been AKC-REGISTERED by the breeder, born in the US and from a sire and dam that are also registered with the AKC.
The seller must provide you with complete records to identify the puppy. The AKC requires that the seller provide the buyer with the following: breed; sex, color and markings; date of birth; litter number (when available); names and registration numbers of the parents; breeder’s name; and date sold or delivered.
Are the children going to share in exercising the pup? If you have very small children, are you prepared to supervise the kids as well as the dog? Are you aware of how important it is that children and dogs should never be left alone at anytime without adult supervision? Mistakes can happen and dogs don’t always understand the behavior of little ones, so protect your children and your puppy by always being there when they are together.
Quality pups begin with a quality breeding program. Here is Aust. Ch. Meroolestate Kristie with her two-week-old pups. Owned by Narelle Robertson.
Finding a reputable breeder who sells healthy pups is very important, but make sure that the breeder you choose is not only someone you respect but also someone with whom you feel comfortable. Your breeder will be a resource long after you buy your puppy, and you must be able to call with reasonable questions without being made to feel like a pest! If you don’t connect on a personal level, investigate some other breeders before making a final decision.
Now, about your home. Is it prepared to weather the effects of a growing puppy? Have you purchased baby gates to close off certain spaces in the house where you can keep the puppy safe from harm and the house safe from the curious puppy? Blocking off stairways is another important factor. The puppy can be taught to safely negotiate stairs, but it will take a little while and you won’t want your puppy to get hurt before he learns how to manage them.
If you have a yard, the puppy can be allowed to play there, providing it is fenced. The fence should be about 4 feet high and totally secure, without holes or small escape spots. Do not leave the puppy in the yard without your supervision, as he can get into all sorts of trouble when you’re not watching him.
All electrical cords and other wires, such as those for the TV, VCR and telephone, must be kept out of puppy’s reach. Given the opportunity, the pup is likely to find them fascinating and fun to chew on. Knickknacks and small items on low tables are an invitation to grab and chew. So are shoes left out and around. Trash bins smell inviting to dogs, and puppies love to tip them over and investigate their contents. You will need to be certain that all wastebaskets are placed out of puppy’s reach before he arrives home.
Make arrangements to have a veterinarian see your puppy within a week or so of his arrival home. Having a veterinarian that you trust and respect will be key to maintaining your dog’s health for his entire life. The vet should be well-known in your community and admired by other dog owners with whom you’ve consulted regarding their pets’ health care.
At the initial meeting with your proposed veterinarian, he will check the puppy’s previous shot record and administer whatever immunization shots are required at that time. Find out how the vet can be reached at night and on weekends when the office is closed. If an emergency arises, the last thing you want to do is have to search for someone to care for your dog. Keep telephone numbers and names in a handy place where all family members can find them quickly.
Your selection of a good puppy can be determined by your needs. A show or working potential or a good pet? It is your choice. Every puppy, however, should be of good temperament. Although show-quality puppies are bred and raised with emphasis on physical conformation, responsible breeders strive for equally good temperament. Do not buy from a breeder who concentrates solely on physical traits at the expense of temperamental soundness.
While you’re waiting for your target date to arrive, in addition to all of these preparations, another important decision must be made. You need to decide whether you want a female or a male puppy. Once you’ve made up your mind, it’s prudent to call the breeder and let him know your choice. If you’re still not sure or have no preference, you can simply make your choice when you visit the litter. Usually breeders will let you see the pups a few weeks before they are ready to leave, and you can make your selection at that time. Maybe you’ll see one particular puppy whose behavior just speaks to you. The puppy seems to be saying, “Take me!” Many dog owners claim they didn’t pick their puppy—their puppy picked them!
Males are frequently more independent than females, though just as loving toward their owners. Adult intact males can be more dominant and often resent the presence of other males in their territory. To prevent aggressive behavior problems in adult males, this trait must be curbed when the dog is a puppy. A course in basic obedience can serve to teach the dog self-control and, in addition, to teach the dog what is and what is not acceptable behavior. Males are wonderful companions that demonstrate their love through their devotion to their family.
In a working breed like the AuCaDo, color is not a major concern and is a matter of personal preference when choosing a dog. Both Cattle Dog colorations are equally striking.
An important consideration to be discussed is the sex of your puppy. For a family companion, a bitch may be the better choice, considering the female’s inbred concern for all young creatures and her accompanying tolerance and patience. It is always advisable to spay a pet bitch or neuter a pet male, which may guarantee your dog a longer life.
Females are usually more docile and quiet than males, though just as loving and devoted to their owners. Except when they are in season, they tend to stay closer to home and lack the instinct to wander. Once in heat, however, the female may run off if given the opportunity to search for available males for mating. Occasionally a female may be snappish during her heat cycle, so the owner will need to be careful with her around strangers at that time. For the person simply wanting a companion or helper, rather than a potential show or breeding dog, a neutered male or spayed female is obviously preferable to a sexually intact one.
Whatever your decision, you should plan right from the start to neuter or spay your pet puppy at the appropriate time to assure you have the best possible relationship with your dog. In addition, altered dogs, both male and female, are at a much lower risk for cancer than intact dogs. Neutering males helps them settle into their homes and not become neighborhood nuisances with wandering. Without the production of hormones, the male dog lacks the desire to breed, making him a more reliable and easygoing companion. Likewise, spaying females is definitely a must. Females come into season twice a year and the heat cycles last for about 21 days, during which time they attract males from miles around. Having a group of males parked in your front yard for three weeks and ruining your flowers and shrubs with urine is enough to convince you to spay, not to mention the accompanying health benefits for your dog.
Before your new puppy arrives, do some research into the availability of puppy training classes in your area. Often called Kindergarten Puppy Training classes, they specialize in socializing your puppy with other puppies and their owners. The puppies are taught simple basic obedience behaviors such as sit, down, come and heel (how to walk nicely without pulling their owners down the street). People who have experienced a puppy class often comment that it was fascinating and fun to watch all of the puppies grow and develop into pleasant, willing companions. The normal eight-week course should be well worth the price and effort for all concerned.
Unfortunately, when a puppy is bought by someone who does not take into consideration the time and attention that dog ownership requires, it is the puppy who suffers when he is either abandoned or placed in a shelter by a frustrated owner. So all of the “homework” you do in preparation for your pup’s arrival will benefit you both. The more informed you are, the more you will know what to expect and the better equipped you will be to handle the ups and downs of raising a puppy. Hopefully, everyone in the household is willing to do his part in raising and caring for the pup. The anticipation of owning a dog often brings a lot of promises from excited family members: “I will walk him every day,” “I will feed him,” “I will house-train him,” etc., but these things take time and effort, and promises can easily be forgotten once the novelty of the new pet has worn off.
Once the puppy reaches the age of about eight months, he can be considered an adult, although he probably won’t fill out and look mature until around one year of age. During the adolescent period of five to eight months, the puppy can be enrolled in a basic beginner obedience class rather than the puppy class. Regardless, your new pup will need some form of basic training to teach him manners and self-control.
The “big day” is getting close. When the much-anticipated litter reaches six weeks of age, it’s time to visit them. The average AuCaDo litter is four to six puppies, and you’ll surely enjoy watching the siblings interact with each other! You also should meet the dam (mother) and sire (father), if he is on the premises, and observe the puppies as they interact with their parent(s). If possible, get to know the parent dogs and observe their temperaments. Are they friendly? Calm and confident? Good with the puppies?
If you aspire to show, be sure to make your intentions clear to the breeder. This future star is already practicing his pose!
Just like you can insure your car, your house and your own health, you likewise can insure your dog’s health. Investigate a pet insurance policy by talking to your vet. Depending on the age of your dog, the breed and the kind of coverage you desire, your policy can be very affordable. Most policies cover accidental injuries, poisoning and thousands of medical problems and illnesses, including cancers. Some carriers also offer routine care and immunization coverage.
Pay close attention to the environment in which the dogs live. Does the home look and smell clean? Is it a safe place, free of dangerous obstacles and potential problems that the puppies can get into? Is the atmosphere pleasant and free of loud noises and irritating distractions?
Next, observe the puppies as they interact with the breeder, with you and with other dogs in the home. You won’t want to choose a puppy that’s fearful or so subdued that he doesn’t react favorably to his environment. Rather, look for puppies that are delighted to see the breeder as he enters the room. Ideally, you’ll be looking for puppies that are curious about you and, by their actions, show that they’re eager to make friends. Regardless of a breed’s ideal temperament at maturity, all puppies are usually curious and friendly. If possible, sit down with them and let them investigate you and your smells. Let them crawl into your lap, lick your hands and otherwise show by their behavior that they want to be friends.
Other dogs in the home should be tolerant of the baby dogs and, even if they’re not the puppies’ parents, be gentle and non-aggressive. Many times an adult dog will tire of the puppies’ antics and quietly turn away from them rather than put up with their clamoring and nipping.
Your puppy should have a well-fed appearance but not a distended abdomen, which may indicate worms or incorrect feeding, or both. The body should be firm, with a solid feel. The skin of the abdomen should be pale pink and clean, without signs of scratching or rash. Check the legs to see if the dewclaws have been removed, as this is done at just a few weeks old.
Observe the breeder with all of her dogs, not just the litter. The dogs should be good-tempered and affectionate toward their owner, signs of good breeding and proper care.
Now is the ideal time to inform the breeder about your decision concerning your preferred gender. Also discuss the approximate date when the puppies will be ready to go to their new homes. Set aside a date and time when you will return to pick up your puppy.
Ask about a sales contract, health guarantee and the puppy’s papers (registration certificate and pedigree). The breeder can explain about each of these to you. Now also is the time to get feeding instructions from the breeder. Find out what brand of dog food the pups are eating and the amount and times when they’re fed. You should duplicate this schedule as closely as possible for the first few weeks after bringing your puppy into his new home. If you choose later to change the puppy’s diet, consult your veterinarian before doing so.
In order to know whether or not a puppy will fit into your lifestyle, you need to assess his personality. A good way to do this is to interact with his parents. Your pup inherits not only his appearance but also his personality and temperament from the sire and dam. Also observe any other adult dogs on the breeder’s premises, as these will give you an idea of how dogs of the breeder’s line mature.
Finally, there’s one more element of this puppy-choosing business that we need to discuss. That is the mysterious matter of seeing a puppy pick his new owner. It doesn’t happen often, but, when it does, there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that this is a case of unexplainable attraction that cannot be denied.
Several years ago, I went with a friend to pick out a puppy from a large litter of Standard Poodle puppies. She wanted a male puppy, so I evaluated all of the males in the litter. During my time with them, my friend noticed that one particular puppy kept coming over to her and sitting down at her feet. The look on his little face clearly said, “Take me home with you.”