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Physical Characteristics of the Australian Kelpie

(from the Working Kelpie Council of Australia)

Head: Slightly rounded skull, broad between well-pricked ears.

Eyes: Slightly oval shaped, of medium size and widely spaced, clearly defined at the corners and showing a kind, intelligent and eager expression.

Muzzle: Moderate length, tapered toward the nose.

Lips: Tight and clean.

Teeth: Sound, strong and evenly spaced, the lower incisors just behind but touching the upper.

Chest: When viewed from the side, should be deep, the point of breast bone showing ahead of the junction between shoulder blade (scapula) and upper arm (humerus).

Shoulders: Clean, muscular, with a long sloping shoulder blade (scapula) set at approximately a 45° angle to the ground.

Forelegs: Clean, muscular, refined bone. The length of leg should be approximately the same from the point of elbow (tip of the ulna) to the ground as is the distance from the withers to the base of the rib cage. The pastern should show a slight angle with the forearm when viewed from side.

Ears: Widely spaced, pricked and running to a fine point at the tip, the leather fine but strong at the base.

Neck: Of fair length, strong, slightly arched and showing quality, gradually molding into the shoulders.

Front Feet: Round, strong, deep in pad, with flexible well-arched toes.

Size: Classified as a medium-sized dog.

Color: Any color and markings historically associated with the development of the breed.

Tail: When viewed from the side the butt of the tail should be well let down.

Hindquarters: Should show breadth and strength with the rump rather long and sloping. When viewed from the side, the overall upper line of the rump and tail should form a smooth curve when the dog is standing at rest.

Coat: Moderately short, flat, straight and weather-resisting outer coat, with or without a short dense undercoat.

Hind Feet: Slightly elongated in comparison with the front feet.

Australian Kelpie

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