Читать книгу One Good Man - Charlotte Douglas - Страница 2


“If I can figure out a way to free up some of your time, will you promise to spend a day with me?”

“Sure, and buy me a winning lottery ticket while you’re at it,” Jodie replied.

Jeff ignored her sarcasm and went back to her initial agreement. “You promise? One full day?”

“My first free day is at least four years away, if you can wait that long—”

“I’m betting within the next two weeks,” he said. And he was serious.

She shook her head in disbelief. “Not unless you’re a miracle worker.”

“I’m a marine. We’re trained to do the impossible. I’ll fulfill my end of the bargain. Be prepared to keep yours.”

Okay, so he’d pledged Jodie the impossible, and he hadn’t a clue how he’d deliver on that promise.

But as he’d said, he was a marine. He’d think of something—anything—to spend some time alone with her.

One Good Man

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