Читать книгу The Army Doc's Secret Wife - Charlotte Hawkes - Страница 2

‘It looks bad, but Ben’s one of the truly strong ones. If anyone can pull through this he can. With your help.’ The nurse smiled encouragingly. ‘Your husband’s a hero.’


Your husband’s a hero?

Nausea churned Thea’s stomach. Her mouth was parched—too parched to respond. It took her several attempts to swallow, then flick out a nervous tongue to try to moisten dry lips.

Her husband?

For the first time since she’d heard about the accident and rushed in to the hospital Thea felt her pain and fear give way to something even more visceral.


The man lying in that bed—her husband—was almost as much of a stranger to her as he was to the nurse standing next to her now. That was if Thea set aside the fact that the last time she’d seen Ben they’d had wild, crazy sex, only for him to walk out on her the next morning. Leaving her abandoned and alone. It was a far cry from the Ben everyone else saw—the self-sacrificing soldier who had always seemed to save the day in her brother’s war stories. Where had Ben the hero been when she’d needed saving?

Instead, she’d had to save herself.

So why, even now, did he still have the power to affect her the way he did?

The Army Doc's Secret Wife

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