Читать книгу Sleeping with the Soldier - Charlotte Phillips, Charlotte Phillips - Страница 3


Dear Reader

Well, here we are again—but this time I’m part of a team! This is the first book I’ve ever written in collaboration with other authors, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did planning and writing it.

Writing is usually very solitary—just me and my laptop—but with this book I’ve had three other fab authors to brainstorm and chat with. We shared photos and decor plans for the flat in Notting Hill, and bounced around ideas for the café where all the flatmates meet up.

The best bit has been seeing glimpses of Lara and Alex in the other books in The Flat in Notting Hill series. For once the road to happy-ever-after for my couple isn’t the limit of their story, and I can see a bigger picture of their friendships and their lives together. Add to that the wonderful vibrancy of the Notting Hill setting and this story really leapt off the page for me. I hope it does for you too!


Charlotte x

Sleeping with the Soldier

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