Читать книгу Palmistry for All - Cheiro - Страница 4

Cheiro Frontispiece
The Lines of the Hand 1
Lord Kitchener's Hand 2
I. The Three Principal Positions for the Commencement of the Line of Head 11
II. The Line of Head joined to the Line of Life and its Terminations 18
III. The Line of Head separated from the Line of Life 20
IV. Islands on the Line of Head 24
V. More Variations of the Line of Head 27
VI. The Line of Head and Line of Heart running together 29
VII. Double Lines of Head, also Crosses and Squares 32
VIII. The Line of Life and Sections of Influences from the Mounts 37
IX. The Line of Life and its Variations 40
X. The Line of Life and Line of Mars 45
XI. The Line of Destiny and its Modifications 51
XII. The Line of Destiny and its Variations 53
XIII. The Line of Destiny and its Modifications 56
XIV. The Line of Destiny, Islands, and other Signs 59
XV. The Line of Sun and its Modifications 62
XVI. The Line of Heart and its Variations 68
XVII. The Line of Marriage 74
XVIII. Marriage Lines and Influence Lines which further help in denoting Marriage 78
XIX. The Line of Health 84
XX. The Girdle of Venus. The Ring of Saturn. The Bracelets. The Line of Intuition. The Via Lasciva 89
XXI. Travels, Voyages, Accidents, and Descending Lines from the Mounts 99
XXII. The Island, the Circle, the Spot, the Grille, the Star, and the Square 102
XXIII. Minor Marks and Signs 105
XXIV. Minor Marks and Signs 108
XXV. The Great Triangle and the Quadrangle 111
XXVI. Times and Dates of Principal Events 113
I. The Elementary Hand 120
The Square or Useful Hand 120
The Spatulate Hand 120
The Philosophic Hand 120
II. The Conic or Artistic Hand 123
The Psychic Hand 123
The Mixed Hand 123
III. Thumbs:
The Clubbed Thumb 129
The Supple Jointed Thumb 129
The Firm Jointed Thumb 129
The Waist-Like Thumb 129
The Straight Thumb 129
The Elementary Thumb 129
IV. The Fingers:
The Smooth 134
The Square 134
The Knotty 134
V. The Nails:
Delicacy of Throat 137
Chest and Bronchial 137
Spinal Weakness 137
Weak Action of the Heart 137
Paralysis 137
VI. The Mounts of the Hand:
The Mount of Venus 141
The Mount of Mars 141
The Mount of Jupiter 141
The Mount of Saturn 141
The Mount of the Sun 141
The Mount of Mercury 141
The Mount of the Moon 141


Palmistry for All

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