Читать книгу Advanced AutoCAD 2016 Exercise Workbook - Cheryl R. Shrock - Страница 6


Table of Contents


About this Workbook

About the Authors

Configuring your System

System Requirements

Customizing your Wheel Mouse

Lesson 1

Open Multiple Files

Warm Up Drawings


Plotting from Model Space

Lesson 2

Customizing the Workspace

Creating a New Workspace

Create a Ribbon Tab

Add a Ribbon Tab to a Workspace

Add a Ribbon Panel to a Tab

Create a New Ribbon Panel

Add a Command to a Ribbon Panel

Customize the Status Bar

Customize the Quick Access Toolbar

Export a Workspace

Import a Workspace

Delete a Workspace

Lesson 3

Exercises 3A - Create a Master Decimal Setup Template

Exercises 3B - Create a Page Setup for 8-1/2 × 11 Sheet

Exercises 3C - Create a Border and Title Block

Exercises 3D - Create a Viewport

Exercises 3E - Plotting from the Layout Tab

Lesson 4

Exercises 4A - Create a Master Feet-Inches Setup Template

Exercises 4B - Create a Page Setup for 8-1/2 × 11 Sheet

Exercises 4C - Create a Border and Title Block

Exercises 4D - Create a Viewport

Exercises 4E - Plotting from the Layout Tab

Exercises 4F - Create a New Dimension Style

Lesson 5


How to Insert a Table

How to Insert a Block into a Cell

How to Insert a Formula into a Cell

How to Change the Data Format of a Cell

Modify a Table Using the Ribbon Tab

Modify a Table Using Grips

AutoFill Grip

Autofill Options

Table Breaking


Editing Fields

Exercises 5A - Create a New Table Style

Exercises 5B - Insert a Table

Exercises 5C - Modify an Existing Table

Exercises 5D - Add Fields to an Existing Table

Exercises 5E - Update a Field

Exercises 5F - Using AutoFill Grip

Exercises 5G - Breaking a Table

Lesson 6

Isometric Drawing

Isometric Snap and Grid


Isometric Ellipse

Exercises 6A - Isometric Assembly

Exercises 6B - Isometric Object

Exercises 6C - Abstract House

Lesson 7

Copy Clip and Cut


Change Space

Isometric Text

Dimensioning an Isometric Drawing

Exercises 7A - Oblique Dimensioning

Exercises 7B - Oblique Dimensioning

Exercises 7C - Isometric Text

Lesson 8


Annotative Blocks

Inserting Blocks


Creating Block Attributes

Exercises 8A - Assigning Attributes to a Block

Exercises 8B - Create a Floor Plan with Blocks and Attributes

Exercises 8C - Assigning Multiple Attributes to Multiple Blocks

Lesson 9

Editing Attributes

Edit Objects in a Block

Extract Data from Block Attributes

Exercises 9A - Extracting Attributes to an AutoCAD Table

Exercises 9B - Extracting Attributes to an External File

Lesson 10


Insert a Block Using DesignCenter

Drag and Drop Layouts, Layers, Text Styles, etc

Autodesk Seek

Autodesk Content Explorer

Exercises 10A - Inserting Blocks from the DesignCenter

Exercises 10B - Borrowing Settings from Another Drawing

Lesson 11

External Reference Drawing (Xref)

Insert an External Reference Drawing

Control the External Reference Image Fade

External Reference Palette

Clipping External Referenced Objects

Clipping Options

Edit an External Reference Drawing

Convert an Object to a Viewport

Creating Multiple Viewports and Multiple Xrefs

Creating Multiple Viewports — A Quick Method

Missing External Referenced Drawings

Exercises 11A - Xref Multiple Drawings

Exercises 11B - Creating Multi-Scaled Views

Exercises 11C - Clipping an External Reference

External Reference and A360 Drive

Lesson 12

Ordinate Dimensioning

Creating Ordinate Dimensions

Jog an Ordinate Dimension

Quick Dimension with Ordinate Dimensioning

Alternate Units


Geometric Tolerancing

Geometric Tolerances and Qleader

Datum Feature Symbol

Datum Triangle

Typing Geometric Symbols

Exercises 12A - Ordinate Dimensioning

Exercises 12B - Dual Dimensioning

Exercises 12C - Deviation and Symmetrical

Exercises 12D - Limits

Exercises 12E - Geometric Tolerances

Lesson 13

Parametric Drawing

Geometric Constraints

Dimensional Constraints

Parameter Manager

Exercises 13A - Geometric and Dimensional Constraints

Exercises 13B - Floor Plan Using Parametric Constraints

Lesson 14

Geographic Location Overview

Set a Geographic Location on a Map

Edit an Existing Geographic Location

Changing the Map Display

Position Markers

Place a Position Marker on the Map

Edit an Existing Position Marker

Capture Map Data

Exercises 14A - Set a Geographic Location

Exercises 14B - Set a Geographic Location

Exercises 14C - Capture an Area on a Map

Exercises 14D - Capture and Fade an Area on a Map

Lesson 15

Introduction to 3D

Enter the AutoCAD 3D Workspace

Viewing a 3D Model



Rotate the Model Quickly

3D Views

Visual Styles

Visual Styles Manager

Wireframe Model

Surface Model

Solid Model

Exercises 15A - Create a Wireframe Model

Exercises 15B - Create a Surface Model

Lesson 16

Drawing Basic Geometric Shapes








Exercises 16A - Create Four Solid Boxes

Exercises 16B - Create Three Solid Cylinders

Exercises 16C - Create Two Solid Cones

Exercises 16D - Create Three Solid Wedges

Exercises 16E - Create a Solid Sphere

Exercises 16F - Create Three Solid Toruses

Exercises 16G - Create Two Solid Pyramids

Lesson 17

Configuring Options for 3D

Understanding the UCS

Moving the UCS

Rotating the UCS

New Direction for the Z axis

Boolean Operations




Exercises 17A - Subtract

Exercises 17B - Union and Subtract

Exercises 17C - Assembling 3D Solids

Lesson 18



PressPull Command


DELOBJ System Variable

Plan View

Exercises 18A - Extrude

Exercises 18B - Extrude Along a Path

Exercises 18C - Extrude with Taper

Exercises 18D - Extrude or PressPull a Region

Exercises 18E - Extrude or PressPull a Region

Lesson 19

3D Operations

3D Mirror

3D Rotate

3D Align

Array in 3D Space

Exercises 19A - 3D Mirror

Exercises 19B - 3D Rotate

Exercises 19C - 3D Align

Exercises 19D - Array — Rectangular

Lesson 20

Using the Gizmo Tool

Move a Sub-Object Using Grips

Stretch a 3D Object

Rotate a 3D Object

Scale a 3D Object

Exercises 20A - Create a Cube

Exercises 20B - PressPull or Grips

Exercises 20C - Add Cylinders and Subtract

Exercises 20D - Move the Hole

Exercises 20E - Scale the Hole

Exercises 20F - Delete

Exercises 20G - Rotate

Lesson 21



Section Plane



Exercises 21A - Slice

Exercises 21B - Revolve

Exercises 21C - Create a 2D and a 3D Section

Exercises 21D - Sweep

Exercises 21E - Helix

Exercises 21F - 3D Solid Helix

Lesson 22

Plotting Multiple Views Quickly

Creating Projected Views

Creating Section Views


Exercises 22A - Plot Multiple Views

Exercises 22B - Create Projected Views

Exercises 22C - Shell



Architectural Symbol Library

Create a New Border

Create Additional Layouts

Exercises Ex-Arch-1

Exercises Ex-Arch-2

Exercises Ex-Arch-3

Exercises Ex-Arch-4

Exercises Ex-Arch-5



Electro-Mechanical Symbol Library

Exercises Ex-Elect-1

Exercises Ex-Elect-2

Exercises Ex-Elect-3

Exercises Ex-Elect-4

Exercises Ex-Elect-5

Exercises Ex-Elect-6

Exercises Ex-Elect-7

Exercises Ex-Elect-8


Mechanical Symbol Library

Create a New Border

How to Make a Space in a Dimension

Exercises Ex-Mech-1

Exercises Ex-Mech-2

Exercises Ex-Mech-3


A Add a Printer / Plotter

B A360 Drive

C Command Line Enhancements


Advanced AutoCAD 2016 Exercise Workbook

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