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In the good times, in the bad times, in all times give

thanks—to paraphrase a Bible verse. And that’s

what I want to do here—give thanks to my family

for their love and their long-suffering patience.

A writer who works at home could not succeed if

their family did not support him or her.

Thank you, dear ones, with the love in my heart.

Pam Schlutt, who has taken over my mailing lists,

etc…. Pam, you are such a lifesaver. I would not

have finished this book if you hadn’t assisted me.

Thank you, dear one.

And finally, to my Heavenly Father.

Through the ups and downs, triumphs,

disappointments, my Father is always there,

my best friend, my confidant, my Father who

laughs with me, holds me when I cry, but especially

who died for me. Without Your love, Father,

I would not know love. Thank You.

Healing Hearts

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