Читать книгу Outback Outlaw - Chris Blake - Страница 9


Tom and Zuma marched down the main street with their hands in the air. Dusty Moore followed closely behind, keeping his gun trained on them. Halfway down the road was a large building. Painted on the wooden front was the word ‘Hotel’. A crowd of townsfolk stood outside, surrounded by the outlaw gang. On the steps of the hotel, Tom saw a tall man with a bristling black beard. He had a sack slung over his shoulder, and a knife with a gleaming silver blade tucked into his belt.

The man raised his hat. “Ladies and gentlemen,” he shouted, “my name is Ben Hall. Some call me ‘Brave’ Ben Hall. You may have heard of me.”

“We’ve heard of you, all right,” yelled a man in the crowd. “You’re a thief and an outlaw. You’re under arrest. Come quietly and there won’t be any trouble.”

Ben Hall chuckled. “Is that a policeman?” he said. “I don’t much like policemen. Too busy hassling ordinary folk. Bill, Jimmy, take that man down the station and lock him up in his own cells. Make sure you throw away the key.”

Whooping and laughing, two of the outlaws pulled the policeman out of the crowd and pushed him roughly down the street. Tom glanced nervously at Zuma. With the town’s policeman behind bars, there was no one to help them now. He was surprised to see the Aztec girl smiling.

Brave Ben Hall,” she whispered. “Maybe he’s the man who knows no fear.”

Tom’s eyes widened. Zuma could be right. Before he could reply, Ben Hall jerked his thumb towards the main door of the hotel. “Now we’ve got rid of the lawman, I’d like to invite you all inside,” he said.

The crowd of people had no choice. They filed into the hotel at gunpoint. Tom and Zuma followed everyone else. They found themselves in a large plain room with a long wooden bar. Ben Hall jumped on top of it and nodded to an old woman at a piano in the corner. Immediately, she began playing a jaunty tune.

Outback Outlaw

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