Читать книгу The Actor's Detective Guide to Writing Letters to Celebrities - Chris Boone's Lucas - Страница 3
Introduction (Thanks for Reading!)
Thanks for reading the Actor's Detective Guide to Writing Letters to Celebrities.
This book was written for anyone who has ever wanted to write a letter to a celebrity or person of note (and to hear back from them) but was not sure what to say.
I originally wrote a version of this guide in 2010 as a direct response to the many actors who kept asking me about what to say when they wrote to major show business industry players. It was meant just for actors. Then a funny thing happened.
One of the actors who purchased my book passed it along to his mom, who happened to be a teacher and the head of the local PTA. Coincidentally; she was just beginning a tricky tray fundraiser for the PTA where they were auctioning off celebrity autographed items. She found the book very helpful to her cause. She was also starting a project at the time with her sixth grade class about better communication through writing letters. She wrote to me and urged me to expand any future editions of my book to include these audiences, as she thought the book was extremely useful and would appeal to groups beyond the initial market of actors that I was aiming for. So here we are at version two, which I believe will be helpful if you are:
•Writing a fan letter or congratulations to your favorite star.
•Running a charity auction or event and want to obtain special items from celebrities.
•Teaching a class on letter writing, or are a student interested in sharpening your skills.
•Contacting the CEO of company whose products you use often.
Or for any time you want to effectively correspond with someone by means of a letter.
This guide lays out - in an easy to follow manner with templates and examples - the steps needed to give your letter a greater chance of being read and responded to. We are sure you will find it very helpful. Despite the title, the lessons laid out here can apply to anyone you are writing to, no matter their profession.
As a special thanks to you for reading this, we'd like to offer you a bonus gift worth over $150, absolutely FREE.
To redeem this FREE gift, simply send an email with the subject line "Celebrity Letters" to:
Thanks again. Enjoy!
– Chris Lucas March 2012