Читать книгу Virtual Freedom - Chris C. Ducker - Страница 6




Superhero Syndrome

Becoming a Virtual CEO

It’s Time to Make a Choice

Why Build a Virtual Team in the First Place?

Getting Started with This Book

SECTION ONE: Finding and Hiring Your Virtual Staff

The Fundamentals

Reality Check: The Myth of the Super-VA

Introducing the General Virtual Assistant (GVA)

Creating Your 3 Lists to Freedom

Getting Ready to Start

Understanding the 2 Different Types of Outsourcing

Freedom Spotlight: Jared Croslow, Cliconomics.com

Defining the Different Types of Virtual Workers

Case Study #1: Todd Beuckens, Elllo

Finding the Right Virtual Staff

The 10 Elements of a Good Job Description

Case Study #2: Tom Libelt, Libelty SEO

The Interview Process (and the 10 Questions You Should Ask)

Confidentiality and Contracts

NDAs (Nondisclosure Agreements)

SECTION TWO: Training Your Virtual Staff

The Biggest Problem with Training Virtual Workers: You!

Case Study #3: Tristan King, Shopify Ninjas

Get to Know Your VAs

Develop Your Training Tools: The VA Training Trifecta

Case Study #4: Kyle Zimmerman, Kyle Zimmerman Photography

Best Practices When Training Your Virtual Staff

Throw Your VA a Curveball

Your VA Success Equation

Freedom Spotlight: Pat Flynn, SmartPassiveIncome.com

SECTION THREE: Managing Your Virtual Staff

Don’t Be a Virtual Vulture

Case Study #5: Steve Dixon, Dixon Clothing Group and Breakthrough4Business

How to Manage Different VA Roles

The Difference Between Revolving Tasks and Projects

Using Project-Management Software

Reports from Your Virtual Staff

Freedom Spotlight: Justin Fulcher, Kinda IT

Paying and Motivating Your Virtual Staff

SECTION FOUR: The Big Question: Stay Local or Go Overseas?

The Advantages of Staying Closer to Home

Why Outsourcing Overseas Is Not for Everyone—or Every Business

What About Customer Support?

The Outsourcing Destination of Choice: The Philippines

Case Study #6: Fiona Lewis, Super Savvy Business

5 Things to Remember When Working with Filipino VAs

Case Study #7: Paul Holland, VideoTise

SECTION FIVE: The Next Level: Building Your Virtual Team

How Different Types of Virtual Employees Will Work Together

Case Study #8: Nate Ginsburg, Onset LLC

Setting Company Goals and Rewards

Meeting Everyone in Person

Setting Up a Social Network for Your Virtual Team

Freedom Spotlight: Joe Daniel, The Football-Defense Report

When to Create the Virtual Project Manager Role

SECTION SIX: The Case for Content

Why Your Business Needs to Produce Online Content Consistently

What Is “Good” Content?

The P2P (People-to-People) Philosophy

Case Study #9: Joshua Van Den Broek, Fitco Health Technologies

The Importance of Being Remembered

Getting Your Virtual Team to Do (Almost) All the Work for You

Freedom Spotlight: Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase Entrepreneur

SECTION SEVEN: Time to Get Started

Your First Six Months


BONUS SECTION: Top 10 Virtual Team-Building Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them!)



About the Author


Virtual Freedom

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