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When Alex got home Eve was checking the cod roasting in the oven. It took her a while to straighten up nowadays and Alex laughed and came behind her to haul her upright. Then he lifted her hair and kissed the back of her neck. ‘Sorry I’m late. They cancelled my usual train and the next one was a packed.’ He opened the fridge and poured himself some milk, holding up the carton. ‘Want some?’

She shook her head determined to get it out right away. ‘You didn’t tell me about Dad’s call last night.’

He ran his fingers through his hair. ‘Oh yes, I completely forgot in the rush this morning. He only wanted to check you were all right. I told him you were asleep and that was it.’

She wanted to say that she didn’t like them discussing her as if she was a child who needed looking after, but the way she was feeling she knew it was likely to turn into an argument. Besides she had something more important to tell him.

It was difficult, but she forced herself to wait until they were eating. ‘I’ve decided to go to Newcastle this week, to see that exhibition.’

Alex swallowed a mouthful of potato and took a drink of water. ‘The train tickets will cost a fortune this late, if we can even get any, and I have work commitments.’

‘You don’t have to come and I was planning to drive.’

He put down his fork. ‘You’re joking. You shouldn’t be driving or travelling distances. Certainly not on your own. You can access the pictures and all the information you need online.’

He reached out for her, but she crossed her arms. She’d been prepared for this. ‘I have to see them as they really are, and I want to talk to someone at the Baltic about this collector. It could be someone who knew my mother. Someone who might know more about the circumstances of her death.’

Alex wiped his mouth. She’d obviously spoiled his appetite. ‘If The Guardian couldn’t get that information out of the gallery you’re hardly likely to.’

‘I’ll tell them I’m her daughter.’ Why was she feeling like a naughty child? She felt tears gather in her eyes and a pain stab inside her throat. Was his support too much to ask for? She ripped off a piece of kitchen roll and headed for the door pretending to blow her nose rather than wipe her eyes. Turning back to him she said, ‘Well I’m going and that’s it.’ She just managed to stop herself from adding, ‘So there.’

It was pathetic and she knew it, but she ran upstairs and locked herself in the bathroom, sitting on the toilet her arms wrapped round herself. Damn, damn, damn. Damn her mum and dad, damn Alex and damn Stella Carr. This ought to be the happiest time in her life, when she should be thinking about the future not the past. But she knew she wouldn’t be able to rest until she found out all she could about her birth mother.

And about how she died.

All the Little Lies

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