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What to Do When an Animal Is Sick


A good veterinarian, a manual of cattle ailments, and a basic medical kit (see “Cattle Medical Kit”) are your lines of defense against problems. When you have an animal that is injured or not acting or looking normal, and it’s not obvious what you should do, call your veterinarian for advice. You may be able to deal with the problem yourself, or the veterinarian may prefer to make a farm call. If the animal is walking, get it into a clean, bedded pen (or into the chute, if that’s more appropriate) for observation and treatment.

As you gain experience with cattle, you’ll learn to recognize and treat minor problems. With good preventive measures and good luck, the only time you’ll need your veterinarian is once a year for brucellosis vaccinations and to fine-tune your cattle wellness program.

Did You Know? In his 1974 book, Farm Animal Behavior, Andrew Fraser notes that no concrete evidence exists that adult cattle actually sleep. If they do, it is only for short periods. Normally, they will rest by standing or lying on their stomachs, although they will lie on their sides for short periods. If you see a cow on its side for longer than an hour, something may be wrong.
Hobby Farm Animals

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