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Preface- Taking charge

It’s over twenty years since people first started to be told by employers, ‘it’s up to you now to manage your own career’. And of course, that’s precisely what most of us have done - or have we?

I for one recognise that, however easy that sounds, the reality of managing my own career is a different proposition. That’s why Chris Johnson’s ideas have always resonated strongly with me. I’ve had the privilege of being coached by him at several stages of my own career. In fact, I’ve gained so much from his help that, a few years back, I urged him to write down some of his thinking so that others could also benefit. And finally, that’s what he has done here.

As Chris points out, what many people do, me included, is take the path of least resistance when it comes to career choice. Amongst Chris’s gifts is the art of helping people to see the wood for the trees.

When Chris coached me, he was able to help me distil complex ideas and feelings, taking away some of the fears and confusion that goes with these. Suddenly, the way ahead is clear and it all makes perfect common sense.

It’s that process which has helped me to ‘take charge’ of my own career, to recognise what’s right and what’s wrong for me and to act accordingly.

Chris’s coaching arts are rich in psychological insight and are the product of an inquiring, perspicacious mind, and extensive experience of the real-world challenges of forging a satisfying career in today’s complex organisational contexts. His approach is practical as well as strategic. Above all, as the many people he’s coached will attest.

Chris really cares about helping people to make the right choices for them. After all, he has walked the talk on that in his own career so he knows what he’s talking about. And, with his book to guide you, you are in safe hands.

Linda Holbeche

Linda is co-Director of the Holbeche Partnership, a research based development consultancy. Previous roles include Director of Research and Strategy at Roffey Park Management Institute, Research Director of CIPD, UK. Linda is Visiting Professor of Leadership Innovation at the University of Bedfordshire. Linda is author of over 40 research reports and more than 100 articles. Linda specialises in leadership development, and has a strong interest in helping organisations and individuals achieve sustainable high performance. Her career history combines extensive experience and expertise in management and organisational development with a strong track record in leading-edge research.

Taking Charge

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