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Randi Chapter 3


Oh hell no! You can disregard what Natalie just said about me coming in second. I’ve got a 5.0 right now on my GPA. She can be my Soliditorian.

That’s what you get for being nice and letting someone new go first.

Let me fill you in on what’s happened so far: Kaye’s parents are dead. I don’t mean to sound insensitive I just don’t know any other way to say it. It turns out her dad sounded the horn that started a chain reaction that lead to the death of Belinda and Bill Moss. Ben Lacey; you remember him? His brother worked for Marcus Bell who in turn worked for the Russians. He was killed. His brother not Marcus Bell. Just clarifying for you. Anyhoo, Ben was stabbed but he’s gonna be okay. He’s still in the hospital and him and Deirdre had their first date about a week ago, in the hospital. She brought Chinese food and they watched movies. I don’t know why she didn’t tell you that maybe she feels embarrassed. I thought it was cute. Kaye moved in with Caren and I think that should pretty much – oh wait I almost forgot Mark didn’t get out. Apparently District Attorney Martin King won’t let him out, believes he’s guilty. But he doesn’t know me very well! I’m not giving up.

Anyways, as Deirdre told you in just a few short weeks we’ve become local heroes. You can’t help but walk down the street with people calling out your name or asking for your autograph (that one’s really cool).

We’re on our first real case since the Russians. Since the Russians. Listen to me, how cool is that? Okay. Okay. Enough about me. You talk about me. Kidding! Man, what’d you guys do take a vacation and lose your sense of humor?

This time we’re investigating something small.

Mr. and Mrs. Myers have been our next door neighbor since we moved here in 2000. As a matter of fact it was Mr. Myers who sold us our house. They’re a nice old couple who’ve had this cat as long as I’ve known’em. So it’s really sad now that I get to tell her that someone purposely killed Sam.

We all went next door, I got to be the lucky one carrying the dead cat. Yay me. Natalie rang the doorbell.

Mrs. Myers answered the door, “Randi! Ladies please come in.” She stepped aside letting us walk in. Her house had the exact same floor plan as Deirdre’s rental.

Her husband still worked in real estate, part time now, while she was a stay at home mom.

I always got along with them, but their grandson? That’s a different story! Jackson Davis is what I term a ginger. Meaning he’s got red hair. Well it’s more orange but you get the picture. He’s my age but got held back a year ‘cause . . . well, he’s an idiot. He’s really creepy and obnoxious, always coming out to talk to me every time I go outside.

He lives with his grandparents but I don’t really know why. Probably cause his mom and dad thinks he’s an idiot. I’m just kidding I really don’t know why.

Okay, so we sat down on her very chic, antique couch, which may look elegant and classy but it’s so not comfortable.

Now Mrs. Myers is an unusual woman. For one thing she’s got great posture and dresses like some kind of royal person or something. I’m not really sure how old she is, definitely older than my mom. She looks good you can’t deny that, she is definitely a pretty woman. She’s still blond very few wrinkles and what wrinkles she has, kinda make her look . . . not so old. Right?

I handed her the trash bag with the cat inside,

“I’m sorry.” With a forced smile she said, “thank you.” Then she just stared at the bag on her lap before she looked up, “so, tell me.”

I took a deep breath, “Samantha was killed.” Another deep breath, “on purpose.”

“Why? She never hurt anyone? So now what?”

“Now we’ll start our investigation.”

“Mrs. Myers,” Natalie chimed in, “are you sure you want us to find out?”


“You sure?” I said. She nodded. We started to leave when she said, “wait. How much do I owe you?”

I started to say, “Oh Mrs. Myers don’t wor-“ Natalie elbowed me in the ribs and gave me a stern look.

“It was twenty-five dollars.” Natalie said.

“Oh yes that’s right.” She pulled out her wallet from her purse and handed me the money, I noticed her slender fingers covered in very expensive diamond rings. They looked like big rocks. In case you’re wondering the Myers are loaded.

“Here you go.”

“Thanks.” I said.

Natalie chimed up, “it’ll be $250 for us to start looking into the death of your cat. In advance, you know expenses.” This time it was my turn to give her a look.

“What are you doing?” I whispered through gritted teeth at Natalie.

She shook her head and mumbled. “Not here.”

“No problem.” Mrs. Myers got out her checkbook, “check okay? Or do you ladies prefer cash?”

“Cash. Check. It doesn’t matter.” Caren said.

“Check it is. Whom do I make it out to?”

“The Pink Sneakers Club.” Deirdre said.

“That’s such a cute name. Why the pink sneakers club?” as she asked that question she turned around and took one look at our feet, “oh. Now I know. Here you go.” She handed me the check.

“Thank you Mrs. Myers. I’ll let you know as soon as we find out.”

“Please. Sam was Mr. Myers’ cat. He named her. Although I don’t know why since she’s really Samantha the fourth.”

“The fourth?” I asked.

“Your other cats were named Samantha as well?” Deirdre asked.


“Weird.” Kaye said.

We left and were heading back to my house when I turned to Natalie, “what are you doing?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re taking advantage.”

“How? By asking for the money you were willing to forfeit because you feel bad for her?”


“It’s not like she can’t afford it. Didn’t you guys see those rings on her fingers? Wow, that’s a lot of bling.” Caren said.

“Are you saying that we should work for free when it comes to people we know? Cause the way I see it we now know everyone.” Natalie said.

Kaye jumped in. “Randi, she’s right.”

“The second pretty one is right.” Caren said.

“We need- wait, what do you mean second pretty one?” Natalie questioned.

“I thought it was clear. I’m pretty. You’re almost as pretty but second only to me. That’s all. It was a compliment.”

“Listen –“ Natalie started in.

“You’re both pretty. Now shut up!” Kaye shouted.

“Okay now you’re just being rude.” Caren said sounding offended.

I said. “Can we get back to the subject at hand? Since when do we get paid up front for services we haven’t done?”

“Look, it takes money to do an investigation.” Natalie said.

“But you’re taking advantage of her.” I said.

“How? We’re going to do the investigation.”

“We haven’t done anything and you want to get paid.”

“Why not? I’m not taking advantage of her. I plan to find out who killed her cat. Are you?”


“Then nobody’s taking advantage. There’s nothing wrong with asking for the money upfront.”

“She’s right again.” Kaye said.

“Whose side are you on?”

“No one’s. But if we’re going to be a business then we have certain things we need in order to start an investigation and sometimes that requires money upfront. That’s all.”

I looked at everyone. “Do you all feel this way?”

There was a resounding, “yes.” from everyone.

“Okay,” I raised my hands in defense, “fine. So where do we start?”

“You tell us.” Kaye said.

“Me? Why me?”

“Really? This is your field.” Deirdre said. “Mine is science . . . yours is police work. We follow your lead.”

“Okay. Let’s go inside and we can brainstorm.” I said.

My mom made her special chicken salad with big chunks of chicken, cabbage and pine nuts. We ate while discussing what to do. Oh, before I forget right now my mom is our bookkeeper. She handles all the money. Right now including what Mrs. Myers paid us we have $370. We are moving up!

“Where’s your brother?” My mom asked.

“I don’t know. He’s not here?”

“No. He went to play with some friends.”

“Eh, no biggie he’ll come home when he’s hungry. He always does.”

“I’ll let you girls talk.” She left the room and went to watch T.V.

“Okay where were we?” I said.

Deirdre said. “We were trying to figure out who could’ve killed Sam.” She continued, “what kind of person would kill a cat?”

“Something I’ve been processing.” I hesitated.

“Go on.” Natalie pushed.

“I think Mrs. Myers knows who killed her cat. I think she doesn’t want to admit it.”

Natalie chimed in. “So why bother asking us to find out?”

Deirdre answered. “I think she wants a second opinion.”

“Exactly.” I agreed.

“Or she’s being nice.” Kaye said taking a bite of her chicken salad sandwich she made.

“So who do you think it is?” Caren asked impatiently.

“Jackson Davis.” I said.

“Who?” Caren asked again.

“Jackson Davis.”

“Who’s that?” Kaye asked with a mouth full of chicken salad.

“Her grandson.”

“Her grandson? Why?” Deirdre asked.

“I’m guessing, without more evidence . . . I don’t want to make the same mistake as last time.”

Kaye said again her mouth full of bread and chicken salad. “Actually if memory serves, you didn’t make any mistakes. You were pretty much right about everything. Go with your gut. By the way this is really good.”

“Uh you’ve had my mom’s chicken salad before.”

“Yeah but it’s been awhile.”

“Ya’ might wanna chew your food.” Natalie said.

“Bite me.” Kaye spat back. She took another big bite, “what’s your gut telling you?”

“That it’s him.” I said.

“Okay so where do we find this Jackson Davis?” Caren asked.

“Mom! What’s Mrs. Myers phone number?”

“It’s in my address book on the counter!”

Natalie picked up the address book and handed it to me. I looked up her number and called her on my cell phone. That’s the other thing I forgot to mention my dad got me a new iPhone.

I hung up the phone. “He’s out by the quarry. C’mon we’ll take my car.”

We drove out to the Forbrin Quarry, which was an active limestone quarry that operated from the early 1900’s until it was shut down in 1935. The quarry area had an abandoned warehouse and even a quarry plant.

God not another plant! At least this one’s shut down.

Anyways, there was also a crusher, a train shop and a boxcar loading hopper. I don’t really know what that is, but it’s all on a descriptive plaque on some trail. I don’t know where that is either.

At the edge of the quarry was Jackson Davis, a couple of his homies and – Jaime?!?! Jackson was dangling a black trash bag over the edge and laughing with his idiot friends! His other two friends I didn’t recognize, but they seemed older than him.

We all jumped out of the car and ran over to Jackson and his friends.

“Jaime! Jaime! Get in the car right now!!! You know mom doesn’t want you coming to the quarry!!!”

“I don’t have to listen to you!”

I grabbed him by the ear, “you get in the car now!!!” I lead him to the car, opened the door and pushed him, I turned around and yelled at Jaime’s friend, “Kenny you too!!!”

“Ooohh mommy’s here!” Jackson retorted, “hey Randi wanna grab something of mine and pull!” he said laughing.

“Dude your so bad!” one of his other friends said.

“What’s in the bag?!?!!” I shouted.

Jackson said. “Bitch says what?”

“Nice.” They fist bumped.

Kaye walked over to Jackson, pulled out the telescopic nightstick and whacked him behind the knee with it, “bitch says, what’s in the bag dickhead!”

One of his friends ran towards Kaye. “Hey! What’s your problem you dike!?!?!”

I pulled out my telescopic nightstick and slammed him in the chest. “Be a good boy!” I shouted to him.

He laid on the ground moaning and groaning. “Ah my chest! Damn bitch!” The other guy decided against making his move towards us. Smart guy.

Natalie raced over to the trash bag, grabbed it before they could get to it and opened it, “Randi? I think we found who killed Mrs. Myers cat!” She pulled out a small black puppy that had the top of its skull crushed. Just like Mrs. Myers cat. I looked at the dog and noticed its tags: Smokee. Property of Gilda Mundson.

“That’s the Mundson’s dog?” I looked over at Jackson, “you killed their dog?”

“Oh my God!” Caren shouted. “What did you do you psycho?”

“Watch who you’re call a psycho blondie!” he shouted.

Caren shouted back. "I may be blonde with a great body but I'm pretty . . . and smart.”

We all waited for her to finish her sentence.

She looked at everyone, “what? That’s it.”

Natalie held the small dog in her lap. Deirdre walked over to her and knelt down, “it looks like the dog’s been dead a short while. Rigor mortis hasn’t set in yet.”

I looked at Jackson wide-eyed, “Why?”


“You killed the Mundson’s dog and your grandmother’s cat.”

“What’re you talking about?”

“You heard me.”

“No way!!! Grams would kill me if I touched that cat.”

“What about this dog?” Caren asked.

“I found it. I was gonna bring it here to throw it away.”

“Yeah, we didn’t kill nothin’.” One of Jackson’s friends said.

“You’re lying.” Kaye said still hovering over Jackson.

“Hey! I ain’t lyin’. Swear on my Gram Gram’s cat.” Jackson laughed as he massaged the back of his leg.

“Dude! Nice one!” Again one of his idiot friends barked.

“So what are you doing with the dog?” I asked.

“Just havin’ some fun. Dog’s dead, but I swear I didn’t kill it. Or my Grams stupid cat.”

“So you admit you didn’t like the cat?” Deirdre said.

Jackson stood up, “ain’t no secret. I hated that damn cat and she hated me! Now gimme back my stuff.”

“Really? This is going back to the Mundson’s, Jackson. You’re not keeping it. Okay guys let’s go.” I said.

Jackson stood up, “you bitches think just cause you got some kinda medal that makes you special? Guess what? You ain’t! This ain’t over yet! Hear me, Randi!?! It ain’t over!”

After we left the quarry I took Smokee back to Mrs. Mundson. There was the usual crying and trying to understand why this happened and who would want to kill a poor defenseless dog.

“Gilda will be so sad. Thank you girls for finding her dog. I guess when Gilda gets home from work we’ll talk about funeral arrangements. She so loved this dog.”

She shut the door and we left. Let me tell you a little about Gilda Mundson or as I like to call her the slut of our street. That’s all I got. I know it’s not very original, but that’s what she is. She has slept with just about everyone on this street and half of the student body when she was in high school and now. She’s a party girl. Our little Paris Hilton without the money. I know she’s slept with Jackson several times, which is kinda ironic considering he may have been the one who killed her dog.

Don’t get me wrong, Gilda’s not ugly just . . . skanky.

Okay, so where are we? Here are the facts, as we know it right now. I know it’s a bit early but my dad always said make sure you check your facts repeatedly. So, lets see . . . facts, facts, facts . . . okay, um Mrs. Myers cat was killed. The Mundson’s dog was also killed. By whom? Whom? Or Who? I never get that right. Anyways, Jackson Davis is our most likely suspect. He claims he didn’t do it, but how many criminals lie? All of them. (tee hee hee) That’s my little joke. Okay so . . . well I guess that’s pretty much all I got. Not much I know but it’ll have to do. The question is, now what? Well, it’s getting late the girls have all gone home and tomorrow is another day.

I was getting ready to go watch a little T.V. when someone knocked on my door. “Come in.” It was Jaime. “What do you want?” I asked.

He shut the door, “you owe me an apology.”

I turned my chair to face him. “For what?”

He put his hands on his hips. “You embarrassed me in front of my friends.”

“Let’s get something straight, Jackson isn’t your friend. You aren’t allowed at the quarry and I’m not going to apologize.”

“Hey, you owe me.”

“How so?”

“I saved you from dad. Remember when you were on the roof?”

“And I saved you from mom. What do you think she’d have done if she knew you went to the quarry after she’s told you repeatedly not to go? As far as I’m concerned we’re even.”

“You suck!”

“Get out now before I pound you!”

He slammed the door on his way out. Brothers. Am I right?

I went downstairs, my mom and dad were in the living room watching T.V., “hey what was all that shouting about?” my mom asked.

“Oh you know. Jaime being Jaime.” I brushed it off. “Anyways, what’re you guys watching?”

“The news, why?” My dad asked.

“Oh nothing.” I started to sit down when the doorbell rang but not just once, over and over and over again. And to top it off they were also banging on the door.

“Raaaannndddiiii! Randi!!!” It was a girl’s voice screaming my name.

“I’m coming!” I shouted back and ran over to the front door. I could see through the glass it was Deirdre. That’s odd? I opened the door, “what’s up?” Deirdre was out of breath and crying. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” I figured either she’d gotten into another fight with her mom or something happened to Ben. She had gotten pretty attached to him in such a short time. “Deirdre what’s wrong? Is it Ben?”

“N-n-no. M-my house, help me I think th-there’s

somebody in it.”

The Pink Sneakers Club: Sometime Around Midnight

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